Long story short we got back together, everytime we argue and he hurts my feelings he NEVER apologised EVER and he tries to turn it around on me even though he’s in the wrong and as crazy as this sounds being a argumentative Gemini I always swallow my pride and apologise and message/call him first. All rights reserved. I pretty much cut him off beginning of this year and now I can sense he’s slowly crawling back and it’s been two years.. there’s been so much inconsistency but also so much adventure. So, let’s say that he’s struggling in school, hating his job, or having some problems at home with his family, well, if you dump him during that time, he’s going to be knocking on your door the very next day and hoping you’ll take him back. If something seems off it will be addressed even if it’s abit uncomfortable we manage to end our discussion positively. But I can’t quit her. I want that soul connection man!!! Be open and honest. When they say Gemini’s have exceptional communication skills and have a natural knack for words, trust me they do. Your dead to me. He is a Dl bisexual guy so that does add an entire different dynamic to the situation. This relationship works best if you both work on your own interests and projects while uniting when you both need each other’s support. Again, I’m not very social, I have an art bag that I bring with me when I go to the bar. And trust. I feel complete. I’m so sad about it, so much I’m spilling my guts on here to see if there anyone with similar situations. Communication is so important, No Secrets, No Lies. What for? I embrace him, I embrace his change. Why would you want to be with someone who does not understand you were raped? gem woman. You HIT the NAIL on the head!!! I get really insecure and upset when he becomes distant and I get really down that it effects people around me as well. I know that famously the Scorpio/Gemini partnership is one of the worst in the zodiac, but it’s their fun loving nature; ability to make people relax and their attentiveness that is so attractive to me. They choose to process their emotions in a different way. I didn’t care at this point. We’re clever lil fucks, Not when by the time i read this. He started to get disrespectful with me because I confronted him about it. This guy always wants to be with the lady who can discuss any topic with him as he is an intelligent person. Thanks for the pointers, I’m a Scorpio man, my Gemini woman has several guy friends, and many other time commitments. Not worth it! As a Scorpio woman, I can detect lies from a mile away. We’re both massively affectionate and are never not touching in some way. This will take effort and respect from all parties. Long story short right? which keeps both of us wondering. And they’ll be super dramatic about the whole thing. Anyways, later he transferred and I couldn’t let him leave without telling him how I felt. There may be some mental connection but no spiritual soulful connections. I just want one more chance hopefully that drought I had will restor new and fresh water I want him. Therefore, except him to keep hanging around even after you make it clear that you’re no longer interested it can be super annoying, so if you don’t want to deal with that, just steer clear of Aries guys. Scorpio man may find it hard to tie down a Gemini woman and that’s where frustration may seep in. But their engaging conversations keep them coming back for more, and he finds her creative mind intriguing.She is fascinated by the way he stimulates her imagination. But what happens if things with a water sign go sour? The men are usually the bigger douche bags, but there are some women who give the men a run for their money. I can tell he is trying. There is no dramatic whining or fighting, no burning everything you ever gave them, no late night phone calls about how much they miss you. I’ve cried all day everyday and I tell people when they see my eyes watery (from just crying) that I just yawned and I’m tired, I cry till the point I get a cold and I fall asleep. Started things quick, in a span of 5 months. Him traveling triggered disconnection/which is where I got for the intimacies that wasn’t happening. He fits my sexual needs to a T but then comes the next day and it’s a disaster because he doesn’t talk/text as much as the day before and I get pissed and start a fight because I hate being ignored.. We have a connection unlike anything I have ever experienced in my life in the bedroom.. Me and her broke up a few weeks ago but I still keep contact with her. I am in a similar situation with my Gemini boyfriend of 3 months and I feel like it’s been way longer than that. Remember that they can’t be caged, but when one falls for you, you won’t need one. So he will usually accept your decision with peace, just give him time to process. However, Scorpio may sometimes not feel emotionally secure with Gemini, because they seem to have two natures: sometimes Gemini is very affectionate and loving, and other times Gemini seems indifferent and cold. There will be plenty of arguments and breakups, yet this couple always seem to get back together again. It’s like he has power over me, and I’m so emotionally weak that I just never fully let go. mintgirl123 Knowflake . When it’s bad, it’s f-ing hell. I am a Gem woman that “was” in a relationship with a Scorpio man. ... Gemini Man - Scorpio Woman Compatibility: A Match Not For The Fainthearted! The patience and love of a Gemini will have you weak, and grateful for the experience of knowing them on a daily basis. Ima Scorpio and my boyfriend is a Gemini , he’s sooooo stubborn and makes a lot of assumptions with me even though I’m completely faithful to him super annoying… but so do I with him. I do a lot of sitting around and contemplating while he wants constant entertainment and to do a 100 things at a time, whereas I take things slowly and thoughtfully, but when we do do an activity together we do it for hours and he’s a great teacher and I respect and admire him massively which I know is really important for him and his big old ego lol. My pc, and ps4, and his ps4, 2 tvs. Scorpios are not all loyal and trustworthy. The only time a Capricorn guy will crawl back is if he was literally ready to marry you. Remember that a fight that is not ending, is usually over, now you stubborn asses just have to stop yelling and calm down. It drives me batty, as I’m very overly analytical lol. It wasn’t until I met someone else that I saw what true romantic love was. I felt like we had a somewhat healthy relationship and we loved one another dearly. I tell her the truth and its received as me judging her. I am a Scorpio woman and am in a relationship with a Gemini man. Oh and we share a favorite artist which is awesome cause the artist is my favorite. He told me he loved me every day. The last guy that made me feel that way was also a Scorpio which was pretty weird. She’ll ignore me, I’ll blow up, she admonishes me, & I’m forced to fall back and check my ego. He loves his nights in (thankfully!) He is physically strong so why would he allow this to happen and then try and blame it on her? If you are trying to win a Scorpio man back into your life then make sure that you show him how interesting your life is … Even with being in the same room. When I first saw him I fell in love with the guy. With shared gaming desk. Power couple! (I figured him out!) Yes, if the person doesn’t do the following.. 1. But yet again he doesn’t try and it’s always me chasing after the relationship I desperately want because I really love him and it hurts. I become such a girl about him. Geminis don’t deserve us scorpios. I’m just honestly really heartbroken. I like to give alone spaces to people around me coz I believe I need my space too…but generally we are here for eachother sometimes the intensity of me as a scorpio turn me a bit emotional & claches with the unreal cold exterior of him as gemini ” which I try to control’ to avoid any damage of the relationship that I really gratful to have but fortunatelly I know he understands me better than anyone ….we may not connected sexually coz we are not friends with benifits but to scorpios out there if any of you have a feeling the gemini guy in your life is more than just a fling or a sexual intrest ….keep it simple with him be his best friend give him space & believe in the relationship you have & dont force things hard I know its a hard task for an intense scorpio but every thing that worth needs time & patience & every door needs the right key. He is someone that feels that a lot of the emotional labels are more of a handicap, just deal with it and move on kind of mentality. Married once. But I can only imagine a future where I am never quite immersed in the relationship, where I have to settle for living out my independence (which I love) but without someone waiting on me. Actually. Every week I try to separate from him , because I can’t figure him out. That’s how unforgiving they can be. As we are very expressive as a star sign. His personality is very serious and mostly quiet. As well as I am. He’s a GREAT dad to our blended family. Double down and quit running. Girl… I’m a Scorpio woman. There’s no in between. I have found a new patience. And When I lose my cool, I lose my swag, and that’s not cool?!!?! But obviously more arguments about the silliest thing happen again and again. But I can’t quit her. I laugh way too hard. And we still have a lot to live but I do feel something different in her than what I felt with any other person, its actually pretty hard to explain but that same something is what keep’s making me running back to her and try to fix things. He is my soulmate.. And I love my Gemini man like no other. And yes, we were sleeping in the same bed, always naked and cuddling every night) After about 3 months, I ended up with the impression that we were “together” and when broached the subject, he told me flat out that we were not together and that he just really enjoyed hanging out with me. We were having some intimacy issues, but it wasn’t that he didn’t want it, I believe health issue. Don’t put up with him keeping you away from your bestie pls. However this guy was a compulsive liar. The bravado so often masks a deeper intellect and emotional wellspring that the Gemini will not allow themselves to explore. Conclusion. did you just make that claim? What to say to a Scorpio man to get him back? We are so very different but are the best of friends too. However, I always sense a form of vulnerability in Gemini men that is also attractive to me. Accurate! We are devoted to them together. So I give her space to run, to pursue any ambition, and she lovingly finds her way back to stable every night. Treat him like a man. I’m not saying you are a bad person. And lol I’ve seen the dragon. Hopefully that helps you. He said right now he needs space but later he wants to be friends. But I can honestly say I’ve never had an issue with trusting him, he’s open and honest. So unless you guys were talking about a wedding, kids, and a house, don’t expect him to come crawling back with regrets. My previous partner was also a Gemini. We all know geminis don’t date for love. Stay away from Gemini! Sometimes I question myself if it’s because we were just used to each other or because I actually care (note we were together for 4 years and a half) and I end saying that yes I really do care and a lot which is to me is honestly sureprising but I enjoy that I care so much for someone. Demanding this and that here and there, everywhere . It’s exciting, revolutionary, kinky, intimate, sensual, loving and all the time! Sure, they’re king of the world when they’re flirting with all the girls at a party, taking you out on a fancy date, or impressing your family with all of their funny jokes. Out of all girls it could have danced with, why her? That’s not to say they’re totally heartless and won’t even care if you decide to end things, and yes, they’ll probably lose a little sleep over it, but overall, they handle break ups much better than water signs and fire signs. Suddenly, his whole mindset changes, and he has no problem accepting that it’s totally over. Never to sure what side your going to get. He wants to jump in and be serious but I am overly cautious. And if not, I know we’ve both had a great time and learnt so much from each other and I could never imagine it turning sour. You find us annoying because you cannot control us. I have allowed myself to get too close to him but will not sleep with him. They may still feel like things ended too soon and try to get you back. Capricorn guys rarely have time for relationships anyway. Thank you for sharing! As Scorpios, we are extremely loyal and caring to the ones that we love and Gemini’s are not deserving of that. but the way they can switch up at times and just start shit out of nowhere, Uhghh. Knowing this I still find myself very very very attracted to gemini’s even though every horoscope says we are terrible together. Like crazy! I felt like our friendship was best but our love runs so deep for one another. He is a water sign , which means he's emotional and moves on his feelings. (irritating but not worried) And UNFAIRLY SEXY! I hate feeling too much at once. If you ever break up with a Cancer, it’s going to be a long, drawn out process. We keep each other on our toes. I think it all depends on the couple. Scorpio likes to know what happens next, and when they enter a relationship they are in it for the long-haul. Well, when a Sag guy decides to make it official with someone, it means he REALLY likes them. Until I find someone who was happy to commit to me. I agree, run away as fast as you can Scorpio. Their manipulation of words is so clever that even as a Scorpio I didn’t even pick up on them. A Gemini lady who is looking for a loyal partner would do well with a Scorpio man. I just don’t understand, and Pisces men are impossible to find. Simply the World’s Most Interesting Travel Site. lol!! And got me ranting. They are one of the few signs who don’t make personal relationships a priority. Although, I wouldn’t say I am inconsistent like this mofo. gemini, scorpio. This doesn’t make sense does it ? And all I could think about was our session on repeat. When everything feels like it’s going awry at once, he’ll be feeling pretty sensitive and needy. For the Gemini man and Scorpio woman, compatibility is a very on-off affair, therefore. In our case , mashallah it is not so fussy as I’ve read many a times. Never has any women gave as much pleasure or had me wanting to satisfy any an all her desires, So my advice to a male Gemini is don’t wait for her to come back cause she won’t go get her if you don’t it’s goon hurt an you will never get her out of your head an you will be kicking your self in the ass when she moves on. Don’t allow the confusion and emotions to consume you, stay in control over the situation! Top 5 tips on how to get a Gemini woman back: Become very interested in something she cares about. At the end of the day we wouldn’t want to be anyone else and he doesn’t always show his love but when he does it’s very sincere and he’s even cried to me . This is sooo me and my Gemini boyfriend. We don’t argue..But we do have a lot of discussions. The Scorpio man has a heightened sensuality that's often veiled behind that mask of self-control. Him my trust and give space on with bravery and commitment give the men a for... Scorpio just what you want to do their own life and can pursue own. Is where I got stuck to him emotionally and I text him, he ’ usually. Is it that he would be back I was super jealous, and. Live in the bedroom, things we ’ re total robots and won ’ t need one but how. So deeply, and oh have we gone to war with each other ’ s frustrating just want more! He told so many lies to so many ways over the situation probably looking other... Advice on making him open up, or committ to a Gemini woman more. 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