Finding durable solutions to enable millions of displaced people around the world to rebuild their lives in dignity and safety is a core part of UNHCR’s work. The largest number of unaccompanied and separated child refugees was reported in Uganda with 41,200, with the majority aged under 15 (29,900) and 2,800 aged under 5. UNHCR will maintain the coordination of the refugee pillar of the inter-agency appeal through the Regional Refugee and Resilience Plan (3RP). The decrease was mainly due to returns (45,500) and as a result of verification exercises that often reflect spontaneous departures. Turkey hosted the third largest refugee population relative to its national population with 45 refugees per 1,000. César and Yoheglith fled Venezuela with their three kids in October 2018. Find help on how to use the site, read terms and conditions, view the FAQs and API documentation. For this reason, UNHCR works with statisticians and relevant authorities at national level to ensure the inclusion of questions that lead to improved data on stateless populations in the 2020 round of population and housing censuses. In September 2017 IGAD member States convened to validate the Road Map and Results Framework of the Nairobi Declaration and Action Plan. United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) 1 ... SDG Indicator Framework. They often move to areas where it is difficult for UNHCR to deliver humanitarian assistance and as a result, these people are among the most vulnerable in the world. Its public health programmes are guided by the Global Strategy for Public Health (GSPH) 2014- 2018 … The refugee population under UNHCR’s mandate (the focus of this report) is 20.4 million and has nearly doubled since 2012 when it stood at 10.5 million. Afghan asylum-seekers continued to submit the most claims in 2018 with 53,000, down slightly from 2017. UNHCR IN 2018. Based on official government statistics provided to UNHCR, 92,400 refugees were resettled to 25 countries during 2018 including: Canada (28,100), The United States of America (22,900), Australia (12,700), United Kingdom (5,800) and France (5,600). The refugee population under UNHCR’s mandate has nearly doubled since 2012. In September 2018, the reception and identification centre in Moria, on the island of Lesvos, hosted more than 8,500 asylum-seekers, almost four times its official capacity. During the year, 13.6 million people were newly displaced, including 2.8 million who sought protection abroad (as new asylum-seekers or newly registered refugees) and 10.8 million internally displaced people (IDPs), who were forced to flee but remained in their own countries. Of these, 632,700 were newly displaced/registered outside the country, while the remainder were internally displaced. Syrians were the next largest newly displaced population, with 889,400 people during 2018. This is an increase of 1.3 million compared with 2017 and the largest ever reported by IDMC. Iraqis were the second most common nationality of origin with 16,300 claims in 2018 – a decline from the 21,900 in 2017. Other countries of origin reported for unaccompanied and separated children included DRC (9,900), Rwanda (7,600) and Syria (7,600). For example, Switzerland had a TPR of 75 per cent, compared with Australia and Sweden where only about a quarter of asylum decisions granted protection. El Salvador was the most common nationality of origin with 33,400 claims. Results. 256,700 new displacements brought the total displaced population to 2 million, more than half of whom were in Idlib Governorate. Many IDPs were reluctant to return due to fear of reprisal and limited availability of social services and livelihood opportunities. UNHCR has not yet prompted or facilitated returns to Syria because safe, dignified large-scale repatriation cannot be guaranteed. This is a significant decline from previous years, including the 147 countries in 2017. In Niger there were 27,100 people in this category, comprising mainly Niger nationals displaced from Nigeria who have no access to documentation proving their Nigerien nationality. This, in turn, helps to stimulate economic growth and development within host communities, while enhancing universal access to human rights. reaffirmed the mandate to develop a compiler’s manual on refugee and IDP statistics to provide hands-on guidance for the recommendations. In contrast, there were also countries where most refugees were reported as living in some kind of camp setting such as Bangladesh, Tanzania, South Sudan, Ethiopia and Nigeria. However, those returning to their localities of origin often find the area is still affected by conflict and they continue to have significant humanitarian needs. Ronia’s husband died two years ago, leaving her to raise her children alone. IDPs are people who have been forced to flee their home but stay within their own country and remain under the protection of their government. In Yemen, high levels of movement are masked by the relatively small increase in the internally displaced population, which reached 1 million at the end of 2018. Year. Other countries reporting a significant number of naturalizations were The Netherlands (7,900), Guinea-Bissau (3,500) and France (3,300). Most of these children originated from South Sudan (37,000) and DRC (3,500). By the end of 2018, more than 3 million Venezuelans had left their homes, travelling mainly towards Latin America and the Caribbean. 1.5 million people were registered as internally displaced with the Ukrainian authorities and Cameroon experienced a trebling of its internally displaced population from 221,700 at the start of 2018 to 668,500 at the end. Asylum procedures in the region are overwhelmed, and to date only 21,000 Venezuelans have been recognized as refugees out of 460,000 who have sought asylum, 350,000 in 2018 alone. The World Bank, in partnership with the UN Refugee Agency, UNHCR, have launched a report which is based on the results of a 2018 Kalobeyei Socioeconomic Profiling Survey. Prosper, 25, fled his village in 2016 after receiving threats from an armed group. The refugee population in Lebanon declined slightly, there were nearly 1 million refugees at the end of 2018 (949,700), compared with 998,900 at the end of 2017, mostly from Syria. © UNHCR/Diego Ibarra Sánchez. To address this need, the new Framework includes additional measures such as expanding access to resettlement, other complementary pathways, and proactively fostering good conditions for voluntary repatriation. Refugee Response Framework (CRRF), and the New Way of Working- Humanitarian-Development nexus. – Eulirio, a 33-year-old indigenous Warao from Delta Amacuro in Venezuela. This was followed by the Philippines (445,700), CAR (306,200) and Nigeria (176,200). UNHCR assists with cash grants and reintegration projects, usually for at least a year after arrival. The refugee population mirrors this change. © UNHCR/Hussein Eri. As in 2017, CAR remained the country of origin of the eighth largest refugee population. States are making an effort, often supported by UNHCR, to identify stateless individuals in their countries. As in 2017, Guatemalans were the next largest group with 33,100 new applications. The Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework is part of the Global Compact on Refugees, an agreement for shared responsibility between UNHCR, governments and other organizations. There were also 6,400 claims from Iranians. small-scale and individual repatriations, and, share responsibility for responding to increasingly frequent forced displacement crises, and. The proportion of all refugees under UNHCR’s mandate hosted in Turkey alone increased to 18 per cent. Nigeria hosted 100 at the beginning of 2018 compared to 32,800 by the end of the year. They are defined and protected in international law, and must not be expelled or returned to situations where their life and freedom are at risk. The refugee population from Myanmar, the fourth largest population group by country of origin, remained stable at 1.1 million. The remaining half of the applications for asylum to the United States of America came from 161 countries. Of the 31.5 million people for whom age-disaggregated data were available, 52 per cent were children under 18. It is committed to the principle of participation, believing that refugees and others who benefit from the Office's activities should be consulted over decisions which affect their lives. The substantial increase of over 1.5 million internally displaced people in Ethiopia was mainly the result of inter-communal violence in various pockets of the country over territory, pasture and water rights. About 634,100 claims were rejected on substantive grounds, a number that includes negative decisions at the first instance and on appeal. The largest group of individuals in this category were living in Afghanistan, mostly made up of the 489,900 refugees who had returned with UNHCR’s help. As a result of the crisis in Venezuela, the number of asylum applications increased sharply in Peru, which became the second largest recipient of asylum applications globally with 192,500, nearly all submitted by Venezuelans. Children play with a kitten at the transit site located above a fishing village in northern Lesvos. It also calls for the strengthening of civil registration and vital statistics systems and UNHCR, therefore, works with States to undertake targeted surveys and studies. Nigerians were the ninth most common nationality for new asylum-seekers with 39,200 new claims in 2018 about a quarter of which were registered in Germany. A reported 56,400 stateless people in 24 countries acquired nationality during the year, with significant progress occurring in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, the Russian Federation and Sweden, among other places. Salvadorans submitted 46,800 new claims globally in 2018, the sixth highest. In 2018, the proportion of the refugee population that was urban-based was estimated at 61 per cent globally. Asylum-seekers from Afghanistan constituted the second largest nationality of origin with 310,100 pending claims, followed by Iraqi asylum-seekers (256,700) and asylum-seekers from Syria (139,600) at the end of 2018 Despite improved statistical reporting on pending asylum applications, the actual number of undecided asylum cases is underestimated, as some countries do not report this information. Most were in neighbouring countries, such as Ethiopia and Sudan. There were 3,503,300 asylum-seekers waiting for decisions on pending claims at the end of 2018, 13 per cent more than the previous year. However, a considerable number of Venezuelans were likely to be in an irregular situation, vulnerable to exploitation and abuse. However, there are also dangers, risks and challenges. I told myself, either we leave or we die.”. By assisting refugees to return to their own country or to settle permanently in another country, UNHCR also seeks lasting solutions to their plight. Of the 81,300 submissions made in 2018, 68 per cent were for survivors of violence and torture, those with legal and physical protection needs, and particularly vulnerable women and girls. The broader movement of Venezuelans across the region and beyond increasingly took on the characteristics of a refugee situation, with some 3.4 million outside the country by the end of 2018. Meanwhile, the world’s response to large-scale movements remains inadequate and underfunded leaving refugees with an uncertain future. By the end of 2018, about 3.5 million people were awaiting a decision on their application for asylum. These data are kept up to date and analyzed in terms of various criteria, such as where people are, their age and whether they are male or female. He lives with his wife, their three-year-old daughter, and a 12-year-old boy who joined them during their flight. Nearly 4 out of every 5 refugees lived in countries neighbouring their countries of origin. More than half of these claims were submitted in the United States of America (24,400). ReHoPE — Refugee and host population empowerment strategic framework - Uganda (June 2018) Format Analysis Sources. This was followed by Kenya (252,500) and Yemen (249,000). Uganda continued to host a large refugee population, numbering 1.2 million at the end of 2018. They threatened to kill my brother.”. The registered refugee population in the Islamic Republic of Iran, the sixth largest refugee-hosting country, remained unchanged at 979,400 at the end of 2018, mostly from Afghanistan. The New York Declaration lays out a vision for a more predictable and more comprehensive response to these crises, known as the Comprehe… The vast majority of newly displaced people remained close to home. This is the case in Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey. Somalia experienced a 25 per cent increase in internal displacement with 602,700 new displacements during 2018. UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is a global organisation dedicated to saving lives and protecting the rights of refugees, forcibly displaced communities and stateless people. Collecting disaggregated data can be challenging in emergency situations, as resources for data collection compete with other acute needs such as the immediate delivery of aid and protection. Under certain circumstances, UNHCR provides protection and assistance to individuals or groups “of concern”, who do not fall within the categories of forcibly displaced, returns and/or stateless. These interventions helped local communities meet the challenges of the arrival of a large number of refugees – including education, health, and water. Results of 3rd yr Bachelor Hons of NU published . Colombia reported the highest number of internally displaced people with 7.8 million at the end of 2018 according to Government statistics, up 118,200 on the previous year. The internally displaced population also grew in Nigeria, where an increase of 27 per cent brought the total IDP population to million. The number of applications from Iranians increased in 2018 to 10,900 to become the third most common nationality. In high-income countries, there are, on average, just 2.7 refugees per 1,000 national population, but this figure is more than doubled in middle- and low-income countries, with 5.8 refugees per 1,000. Over the years, UNHCR has worked with States to enable millions of refugees to return home, through: In 2018, UNHCR observed a number of self-organized returns, sometimes under pressure, to areas where circumstances were partially improving but where peace and security were not fully established. The High Commissioner for Refugees is mandated by the United Nations to lead and coordinate international action for the worldwide protection of refugees and the resolution of refugee problems. Jordan (1 in 14) and Turkey (1 in 22) ranked second and third, respectively. UNHCR was created in 1950 to address the refugee crisis that resulted from World War II.The 1951 Refugee Convention established the scope and legal framework of the agency's work, which initially … The gap between needs and actual resettlement places continued to grow. Focus on: Unaccompanied and separated children, GLOBAL TRENDS - FORCED DISPLACEMENT IN 2018, 20.4 million refugees under UNHCR’s mandate, 5.5 million Palestine refugees under UNRWA’s mandate. Actual. Among the adult population, there was a higher proportion of men in urban refugee populations (58 per cent) than in rural refugee populations (47 per cent). 3.1 … Some countries do not submit asylum data at all. Identifying stateless people is the first step towards addressing the difficulties they face as well as enabling governments, UNHCR and others to prevent and reduce statelessness. Other nationalities that submitted significant numbers of new asylum claims in 2018 included the Islamic Republic of Iran (35,800), Guatemala (34,800), Sudan (32,400) and Nicaragua (31,400). The absence of such an indicator would mean that, contrary to the ... a Global Compact on Refugees in 2018. At the end of 2018, 111,000 unaccompanied and separated children were known to be among the refugee population. At the end of 2018, Syrians still made up the largest forcibly displaced population, with 13.0 million people living in displacement, including 6.7 million refugees, 6.2 million internally displaced people (IDPs) and 140,000 asylum-seekers. UNHCR's Results Framework Extent State has taken steps to become party to the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees Extent law and policy consistent with international standards … Data on some 3.9 million stateless persons are captured in the Global Trends report, but the true global figure is estimated to be significantly higher. Rahima first fled Myanmar in 1978 at the age of 14, then again in 1992. UNICEF STRATEGIC PLAN, 2018–202111 The overarching goal of the UNICEF Strategic Plan, 2018–2021 is to drive results for the most disadvantaged children and young people. Comparing the size of a refugee population with that of a host country can help measure the impact of hosting that population. Similarly, asylum claims from Iraqis remained the second most common and declined from 44,500 in 2017 to 20,000 in 2018. Every year some refugees agree to return to their country of origin. 2 UNHCR GLOBAL REPORT 2018 UNHCR GLOBAL REPORT 2018 3 REGIONAL SUMMARIES 62 THEMATIC CHAPTERS 172 OVERVIEW OF 2018 8 ... UNHCR’s results framework will allow for In Ethiopia there was a sharp increase in the internally displaced population, which more than doubled from 1.1 million at the beginning of 2018 to 2.6 million at the end. Intermittent border restrictions are causing Venezuelans fleeing to neighbouring countries to rely on dangerous routes, exposing them to risks such as sexual exploitation and kidnapping. South Sudan’s recently revitalized peace process offers new opportunities amid de-escalating tensions. 15.9 million refugees were in protracted situations at the end of 2018. Germany received 161,900 new asylum applications, continuing a decrease that put them in third place, down considerably from the peak of 722,400 in 2016. The refugee population in Sudan increased by about 19 per cent over the course of 2018 to just over 1 million, with Sudan becoming the country with the fourth largest refugee population. Data do not show whether these returns were safe, organized and sustainable. In the countries where UNHCR managed refugee status determination 227,800 applications were registered in 2018, of which 12,200 were on appeal or repeat. Cities of Solidarity is a worldwide initiative that invites cities and local authorities to sign a statement of solidarity in support of refugee inclusion and bringing communities together. Some 593,800 refugees returned to their countries of origin in 2018 compared with 667,400 in 2017, less than 3 per cent of the refugee population. Eritrean refugee Sherifa, 35, participates in UNHCR’s campaign against human trafficking at Shagarab refugee camp in Sudan. Venezuelans received protection in under half of decisions (40 per cent) as did Iraqis (46 per cent). A father carries his young daughter through treacherous, muddy scrublands by the banks of the Tachira River, which forms the border between Venezuela and Colombia. In 2018, about 55 per cent of the world’s population was urban, compared with only 30 per cent in 1950. Actual. The largest number of urban refugees in 2018 originated from Syria with 6.3 million people, representing 98 per cent of the entire population for which location was known. Refugees may be vulnerable to exploitation, arrest or detention, and can be forced to compete with the poorest local workers for the worst jobs. © UNHCR/Jim Huylebroek. – Angelica, a Venezuelan asylum-seeker in Panama, fled her country when armed groups tried to forcibly recruit her 12 year old son. As has been the case since 2014, Turkey was the country hosting the largest refugee population, with 3.7 million at the end of 2018, up from 3.5 million in December 2017. These refugees were hosted by 127 countries on six continents, however the vast majority (85 per cent) remained in countries in the region. Of 2.3 million South Sudanese refugees most were in Sudan (852,100), followed by Uganda (788,800) Ethiopia (422,100), Kenya (115,200) and DRC (95,700). This group remained ‘of concern’ while they were in the early stages of their reintegration. The following are the results from multi-country research launched in 2018 on refugee data in Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon to study the impact of CBI on child protection outcomes. Despite this, the largest number of returning refugees were headed for Syria, with most of the 210,900 refugees returning from Turkey and smaller numbers from Lebanon, Iraq and Jordan. It reinforces commitment … Supported by 8 change strategies and tied to 25 results … At the same time, Cameroon hosted 380,300 refugees, mainly from the Central African Republic (CAR) and Nigeria. He earns a living tutoring students in Arabic language over Skype through the NaTakallam programme, which pairs displaced persons with learners from around the world. For example, most Syrians fled to Turkey, where there were half a million new refugee registrations and asylum applications. Countries in the Middle East and North Africa with significant numbers of Syrian refugees included Lebanon (944,200), Jordan (676,300) and Iraq (252,500). As has been the case since 2014, the main country of origin for refugees in 2018 was Syria, with 6.7 million at the end of the year, an increase over the 6.3 million from a year earlier. Mission. Uganda reported assisting some 180,000 people in this category, made up of Ugandan nationals living in refugee-hosting communities. Find latest updates on global humanitarian responses, World: Humanitarian and Country Icons 2012, Overview of the 2012 Consolidated Appeals and similar concerted humanitarian action plans. Living in Ibarra, Ecuador, they all sleep in one room. Pakistanis submitted the most applications with 7,300, followed by Nigerians with 5,100 new applications, compared with 25,100 in 2017. As the Syria crisis entered its eighth year, continued hostilities led to large-scale displacement with people fleeing sporadic artillery shelling and infighting. 2017. As in previous years, Syrians made up the majority with 44,200 asylum claims. In addition to this significantly increased number of new individual claims, an estimated 2.6 million Venezuelans have fled the country but have not applied for asylum, many of whom have international protection needs. Syrian refugees were recorded Germany continued to decline slowly, and those displaced from DRC headed... With the second largest refugee population with 336,700, while 269,900 Sudanese refugees living. Nationalities other than Syrians, who receive protection under the government ’ s recent.... Individual applications for asylum applications in 2018, all individuals have the right to make a personal decision return! Geitawi district is so positive for me one of the displaced population million. 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