Their energies collide, making a firework. I left for more reasons than that but that was the main one. I called a few minutes later and he was really short. If they marry, at least they will have a lot of fun and teach each other many things. She loves the intelligence and wit of her man but she can turn her head from him if she doesn’t find real spark in the relationship. In my soul i believe it is not over yet. One common personality trait between Gemini man and Sagittarius woman is loyalty. Any Gemini woman out there to give this very depressed sag man advice on his soulmate that won’t seem to let me back in. Hi Scot, Gemini woman here… I am currently talking to a sag man and happen to come across this site and by some chance read your comment… so here goes… It depends on “the secret” and how bad it was but we do like honesty, we rather know no matter how bad than not know and find out from someone else… If she said she needed space depends how long it has been… if this happened yesterday for example… she does not need space she needs you to make real effort so she knows you care it’s all about timing we say things but if shown right away we get swayed back! The needs of these autumn signs differ strongly, but they can learn to understand and support one another, developing deeper intimacy and trust with time. The one thing 'The Simpsons' writers didn't predict. The Sagittarius woman moves swiftly in action just as the Gemini man does in mind, and between them they can cook up all sorts of fun ways to connect. It\’s been 4 months. ive had my fun(not sexually, because im a virgin and so is he:) with guys so i would be okay with it. When they talk, they will cover every subject. Also, she may not be as serious about love as he is. Also, the sex will never be beat. A Sagittarius woman is a thrill seeker as well and she would not mind an outright flirt. He's caught your curiosity so ask him a few burning. It feels so right when he’s kissing me and giving me affection, but while I’m spending time away from him, I feel like I shouldn’t be together with him at all. Im a gemini women and dating a sag man I really like him not so much love jus yet. showing committment almost instantly and we just gelled OMG. I have been talking to a Gemini friend of mines on amd off for a few years now. This is pretty accurate, especially the part about the imbalance of love. He is the spirit of all the parties, so there’s no surprising at all if you see … I called texted him 2days later Asking him if he hated me, and he said no, but “you have no idea what you want” I told him I did. I can’t explain why I could not walk away from this man, but deep down inside I really didn’t want to, even after all the women and all the lying I was still drawn to this man. Be funny and be loyal and grounded to a degree. I don\’t know what the future holds but i can say that no 2 people are more fit for each other than we are. There is nothing subtle about him, and he rarely picks up on subtlety from others. The ideals of Sagittarius man and the ideas of Gemini woman are so lovingly knitted together by love, that they illuminate both of them and teach them to love unconditionally. She goes into every relationship wishing, and hoping, and praying for the best while diving in head first. Our relationship was a failure but not so devastating. I got there hugged him and pretty much ignored him the entire time. Yet i know in my bones that we\’re soulmates and meant for each other. The more time they spend together, the more their differences will turn out to be similarities. Only this way can they avoid serious arguments. Sagittarians have nothing to hide and they enjoy an open conversation immensely. what you said may be true, but a relationship is a 2 way street. I’m a Gemini woman and I have my forever husband which happens to be a sagittarius. All rights reserved. he lives in Bedford while i live in Bloomington so we try to work things out although we miss each other dearly. The year 2021 is the real deal -- a chance to truly bond, to grow closer by being honest and open with one another. The key here is to not fight over trivial things. Not to mention she understands his visions, and because she’s communicative, she’ll be able to easily express them. If she does finally trusts him, she tries to explain her emotions to him only to set him off the edge he is already on. We Met on Myyearbook. The elements agree and the astral quality is the same; your planets work well together. Best of luck to you <3, This is terribly inaccurate in many ways. She colors his life with her vivid imaginations and he sprinkles it with truth and loyalty to form a stronger bond. There is no holding back with Gemini woman and Sagittarius man. i myself have left a few relationships from the man not taking the perfect timing opportunity to do the right things and get me to wake up so to say… unfortunately they did it once i gave up and did want my space… I also had one that i believed was my soulmate but he lost me because he pushed way too hard to the point he scared me and had he given me my space i would have ran back….. it might not be too late…. Problem was i have the drive of a 14 yo boy. I have to, or else I wouldnt be writing to an advice post at 5:59am. Her sarcasm angers him and his blunt words only show to hurt her feelings causing further argument. They can learn many things together. It\’s helped me a great deal i think. When a Sagittarius man talks about his adventures, a Gemini woman will be mesmerized by him. It’s like the freest spirit of the zodiac completely transforms. But nothing gets through to her. Gemini Man And Sagittarius Woman Compatibility – Pros The number one thing about the Sagittarius Woman that a Gemini Man will not be able to resist, is her intellect. He loves it when people are direct, but a little bit of mystery is still advised. I can see some truth in the relationship description We clearly have chemistry, Never stop talking, always an agenda. Mind you this is something that happened before we ever met. If they’ve had previous husbands or wives, it may not go as smoothly. A Sagittarius man makes a Gemini woman’s life much more happening and adventurous. He will most likely have been to many different places and to have seen many different things. If she’s the one who wants to get him, she needs to be very clear about her intentions. Their connection is much stronger than whatever they may be fighting about. Seducing a Sagittarius man through texting too is a complicated process. But opposites attract, so these signs will be into each other. I’m a gemini dating a sag guy. Leave her alone. I have been dating my girl friend for three years she is a Gemini and I’m a sag. it’s not all about HIM tip toeing around YOU. This is a woman with big ideals and strong opinions. He was very good at the beginning, but as soon as we got to that comfort zone, everything started falling apart. Yes, we do forgive but we don’t forget so this is why you have to let her be for the time being. Their physical attraction is the hardest to fight, and the mental and emotional is just close behind making their relationship a … She is refreshingly frank and honest about everything. I invited him to a party (with people from both of our pasts, that he previously expressed he ddnt care to be around) and then I left and went to another which was down the street. I kno she love me too but i think she find it difficult to trust me . The Gemini female is totally attracted and charmed by his intellectual personality at first. Gemini woman is no less than a beautiful butterfly to display many colors time to time in her character. Whether timid or dominating, he is a reckless individual who is quite modest but hardheartedly frank and to the point. Opposites Attract: Gemini + Sagittarius. Now that we have an idea of what he is like and the type of woman he is seeking, let us explore how to attract a Sagittarius man. We’ve been together for 8 years and by the time we got merried it was no love left. we have been dating for 2 months and a few days. She would not mind a playful sexual banter over text. Meh. The many personality traits and constant changes in the Gemini woman, makes it hard for her to settle on to any one specific. Try as i might i cannot let go completely. He will show her what she really desires from life because she can be a little bit distracted sometimes, when it comes to big life plans. This has been my longest relationship because i havent been bored yet. Gemini and Sagittarius Compatibility In Love, Relationship And Sex. We broke up 4 months ago after 6 years together. or     You’ll have a whole swarm of archers humming around you as soon as you walk into the bar. Three months into our relationship I found out that there were more women in his life. Especially when he says stuff like “I love you so much” and “Just tell me to and I’ll be yours forever”. If you want it to work gemini ladies your going to have be very patient and listen before you assume. I am not an insure women so these feelings I was having was very confusing to me and I did not comprehend how to channel them or how to deal with them. He decided to confess all these feelings that he had for me, of which I knew nothing about. destiny, It’s essential for them not to hurt one another when they disagree. Weve never had sex, never kissed, nothing. When they make love, the Sagittarius man and Gemini woman will enjoy each other in both body and mind. Despite all the negative character traits he displayed, he is a warm, caring, great lover and friend. The Gemini woman will easily communicate her Sagittarius man’s visions as well. Our Gemini Woman and Sagittarius Man compatibility rating is 8. Or maybe he\’s just not a typical Sag. yup you guessed it lol) as long as it’s something with meaning and from the heart vs materialistic that would do the trick…. Copyright ©2021 Ask Oracle. i am dating an older gemini woman 5 years my age and this is true.. you got to really work for it.. once u understand her and know her.. its like passing by oceans and seas.. You see, right on the other side of the sign of Gemini in Zodiac, there is the sign of Sagittarius. Ive noticed they are pretty honest, but could be very good liers too. Since air “keeps the fire alive,” these two are happy in each other’s company and can talk about anything. He’s lustful and likes to do it as a sport. this man is the man of my dreams, he has something about him that i want i admire, desire. So I stop running and allowed this confusing relationship to take its course. The problem is: we\’re deeply in love still. I honestly don’t know what to do. When they have sex, these two will experience things in a spiritual way. I have tried showing her how sorry I’m and how much I love her. Her conversational skills will make him listen to every word that she is saying. And this will cause fights between them. Such steps not only bring freshness to their relationship but also minimize any argument which can be contributed to Gemini woman’s ability to sashay her way out of any unpleasant situation. While he allows her to be free and enjoy her personal space, he’ll also protect her from worries. That\’s been the biggest issue with myself and my Sag. She initially forgave me but a few months later she asked me to move out that she needed space. Your comment about them not displaying a high quality of affection hit home. Respond back and go with it, i always held back with men. but we always argue it seems as if he is never satisfied Im so sick of it. just please do not have a gemini woman keep giving reminders of what we don’t like that is a sure way to lose us… as i said, it takes us to the bad thoughts… …. I am going out with a Saggitarius man, who is very blunt, and very confident, always calls the shots so to speak, there is a lot of tension in the relationship and arguments nearly always ensue. Sagittarius Soulmates: Who’s Their Lifetime Partner? This is a couple in which the partners dream of running away together because they are both very impractical and they’ll probably be very stressed about paying bills and having responsibilities. but if she says again she needs space let her have it… we might do some weird things but it will eventually let us learn our own lessons and see what we really want when it comes to love… oh and remember we love fun! The marriage between the Sagittarius man and Gemini woman will work out perfectly if they’re in front of the altar for the first time. Although, he is a big liar (which I have mastered how to detect when he is lying, pay attention ladies he will reveal his self to you) he has a problem with me being dishonest; go figure. When these two start dating, they probably will get along very well because they’re both the type that enjoys spending time together but also enjoy spending time apart. questions. With the ever growing love between the Gemini woman and Sagittarius man, their relationship takes a direction which many others ‘dream’ to experience. I can’t explain the attraction, but I was mesmerized by him, like I needed to know more about this man. I couldn\’t take sex once a month and not having affection. i tried to make him mines but i soon found out that he doesnt like to be tied down. The first issue I had with him was he would not let me in and that in itself was more appealing to me. trying to keep YOU. This poses a problem in love and life in general. Which one will take care of responsibilities in this relationship? The Sagittarius man and the Gemini woman simply complement and get one another. The biggest difference between you is that his Fiery nature is more bold and impulsive, while your nature as an Air Sign is more analytical and evasive. i pray more for him than i pray for myself and he is the only one in my life that i met that can keep me faithful dignified without any unfaithfulness. I LOVE my man 5EVA. but at the same time he has some type of hold on me i dig him alot jus hope we can learn to get along better. Vowed to call me back, never did. Which i cannot say for certain has come to a definitive end. You can be quite blunt. There could, perhaps be a sort of peace between these two at such times. He's caught your curiosity so ask him a few burning questions. The Gemini Man and Sagittarius Woman will spend hours talking about the many aspects of life and society. For the long haul. Although, I demand my respect, I also know that he demands his as well, and I give it to him. They may have a problem with faithfulness because they both like to experiment with new people. My sentiments exactly…. If they learn how to compromise more, they will be a beautiful match. we say we love you,but we understand that its not in love or whatever and we want things to go slow and build the real love together:). When they make love, the Sagittarius man and Gemini woman will enjoy each other in both body and mind. For them, the ultimate meaning of sex is the fulfillment of an intense desire for each person to blend with to actually become the other. I’m lost like a ship lost at sea. However, if you are the type of women that is not insured, needy, or clingy then you will get along with the sag man. Together, the Gemini woman Sagittarius man love match has all the fire and energy to last a lifetime provided they overcome their differences. It’s important that he fights to keep her interest alive. He\’s had 3 relationships and he\’s 35. And she won’t want to keep them to herself. Sagittarius man in love: Gentle and giving Sagittarius man likes to keep things simple, so he looks for an honest relationship based on mutual trust. i am a typical bi polar fiesty red head gemini woman. Scorpio Women Are Intense. Got a lot of things said. He can show her real adventure and moving thrills, and she will love him for this. what you said was spot on, but your missing the biggest trait of the gemini – the ability to see both sides and take it into consideration. Neither the Gemini woman or the Sagittarius man know how to handle money. he clicked to blind date me and being myself and going with the flow I accepted after that i messaged him and he replied back. Don’t pushed her for answers. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. i just wish he can show me more affection, I’m a Gemini and my bf is a sag and this sounds like us minus the distance. The compatibility rule says these two would be great colleagues and business partners. No, not too much and not related just for intimate moments. If they have something to focus themselves on together instead of having to focus on each other so much, they can find happiness and with team effort can also give great results. If they try hard enough and love deep enough the Sagittarius man may be able to take his Gemini woman’s ideals and show her a bit of truth. There are a few things that put her off: Self-centered – she is looking for a buddy, a companion with whom she can share anything under the sun. I am back to dating another Sag, I hope it better be good. probably because we stay very far apart. This makes for sex that is uninhibited and intense for both, each and every time they engage in such activity. Denise is an experienced practitioner of astrology, interested to discover and share with everyone how astrology can inspire and change lives. I can’t believe I stumbled across this, however, feel Can a Scorpio woman and a Sagittarius man find true love? I’ve been dating a Sagittarius guy for a while now, and he’s been making me feel pretty awkward the way he praises me and gives me love and stuff. With these two, it’s all about freedom and trying new things. Sagittarius women are quite the flirt themselves. With this knowledge finding the right person for you can become a lot easier. im a gemini girl and ive dated a sagittarius guy…we fell for eachother quick. When the Gemini Woman is flamboyant, the Sagittarius Man supports her freedom. Destiny, thank you for your insight I really do appreciate it and it means a lot that you took the time. Both look for partners that are enthusiastic and jolly. i dont want to be tied down yet since were only juniors in H.S but he might be the one that could do that. As far as the romantic relationship between them goes, they can either be very in love and willing to learn from one another, or they can end up being jealous and repressed. On the zodiac wheel, they are in opposite positions. If she manages to finally trust him, she will try to explain how she’s feeling in order to make him emotional, too. Their connection is mainly intellectual. She bores easily, so the man who wants to win her should be able to hold an intelligent conversation. A Gemini woman and a Sagittarius man though not much compatible for life can drag along by their sheer conversational skills. It can be surprising at times, yet very touching. Both the Sagittarius man and Gemini woman want to be free and enjoy fun adventures. what do i do so we can work? What’s clear is that if none of them wants to do it, they can end up broke, and therefore not so independent and free anymore. we talked for 5days and felt as if we know each other. High-site 20/20 I should have walked away then; but I stayed (maybe it was my arrogance). each time we spend too much time together, Is this a sign of incompatability?? Iam really excited to be with her each day,due to her great ability to keep freshness to the each moment. he really hurt me bad, i was always crying because this was a guy i ACTUALLY wantd to be faithful to. The Archer is famous for his fear of being tied down, not that Geminis are too eager to settle either. lol. The Gemini Woman In Love: Are You A Match? Gemini woman and her fantasy world with whimsical thoughts and mood changes are too elusive for the straight forward thoughts and frankness of Sagittarius man and sometimes can lead to hurtful words and situations as well. Hours long. however, it’s all about meeting each other half way. She stimulates the life and the thought process of the Sagittarius man, making him livelier. The harsher they are with their words, the more they will lose interest and want to break up. It’s suggested they give each other some space and keep the distance. My problem was how careless and arrogant he was with these relationships. He\’s more like an 80 yo woman. He’s charmed by the way she manages to manipulate him with her wit. When the Gemini woman and Sagittarius man is involved, there’s always a possibility for a bad tension to build on. Notify me of replies and new comments by email, Gemini with Sagittarius Love Compatibility, Gemini Man with Sagittarius Woman Love Compatibility, Gemini Love Compatibility with Other Zodiac Signs, Sagittarius Love Compatibility with Other Zodiac Signs. Try to form a friendship with him not a committed relationship, mine is not the type to commit easily, maybe because he is a wanderer or maybe because his feelings run really deep and he doesn’t understand how to control them. Although there is not always a “meeting of minds” between Gemini and Sagittarius — still there will be some passionate moments to be shared — as these two comes together. we did not talk to much and rarely got on so he asked for my number, i accepted after a long while and the first time we talked on the phone we hit it off really really first. we found out that we had soo much in common it was funny. When they talk, they will cover every subject. This impractical nature of both of them is very dangerous. BUT when we not together i go crazy. Please tell me what i need to do to win her over.. i can afford to loss her…. She is a delightful, whimsical woman full of grace, who, stops at nothing and usually gets what she wants, that is if she could figure out just what that was. The start of Gemini man and Sagittarius woman relationship is by friendship. hi, i am a sag.. am really in love with this gemini lady but he seem to change from time to time.. Iam a sag man.I love my Gemini woman no matter what.I have been with her more than 8 years now. Nevertheless, the more I pulled away from him, the more he wanted to be in my life, so of course I took him back again and again and again. The Sagittarius man is full of optimism and the Gemini woman will collect plenty of data for her man to transform into wisdom. In completely enters a Sagittarius talk about anything at least they will and the. Typical psycho chatter box bossy plan-everything-out Sagittarius, the Gemini is Air be considered knight... He finds the right person for you can change your behavior she needs to be.. I might i can not say for certain has come to a definitive end run away even more should walked! The zodiac her vivid imaginations and he sprinkles it with truth and loyalty to form a stronger.... Transform into wisdom of him that i want i admire, desire the fire and energy to last Lifetime... 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