Regular watering, fertilizing, aeration and mowing will ensure a healthy lawn with a strong root system and this will be your first form of defence against the beetle. The natural question Vancouver-Area residents are asking is, “how do I get rid of chafer beetles in my lawn?”. Copyright © 2019 North Western Synthetic Grass, a division of North Western Property Maintenance Inc. (NWPM). Some lawn repair may still be required in heavily infested zones. The Squeamish Gardners note that Merit is a “systemic insecticide,” Sevin is “a chemical that attacks the grub’s nervous system,” and each of these needs to be applied at a different time to be effective. The European Chafer Beetle (also called a chafer grub) is a beetle species that originated in continental Europe and, as reported by the City of North Vancouver, was first discovered to have invaded the Lower Mainland region of New Westminster in 2001. 2. Nematodes were found to be only around 60% effective while Grub Gone has been tested to be effective up to 90% (if used in accordance with healthy lawn care maintenance). Keep the soil moist for two to three weeks after applying the nematodes to ensure best results. If you have a serious Chafer Beetle infestation most of the turf damage will typically be caused by birds and animals such as, Spring Grub Gone Application *kills 3rd instar grubs and beetle, Summer Grub Gone Application *kills 1st and 2nd instar grubs. The application of nematodes involves soaking the treated area before and after so they can get down into the soil. Here in Surrey, the Chafer Beetle … How to Get Rid of European Chafer Beetles in Vancouver, Why Switching to Gym Grass is a Great Move for Your CrossFit Box, The more compromised the root system of the lawn from the Chafer Beetles feeding on the roots, the easier these damaged areas will lift off by animals looking for food. How does the European Chafer Beetle damage grass? Fill out the form below or give us a call at (604)-983-2687 if you would like a free estimate or have any additional questions as our team would be happy to help! That is why here at BUR-HAN Garden & Lawn Care we are proud to be able to offer you only natural products as forms of defence to keep your kids, pets & the environment safe. The invasive European chafer beetle species has made BC’s lower mainland and other regions home. Moisten your lawn well (to the consistency of a wrung-out sponge). This low maintenance … The chafer beetles … The European Chafer Beetle originated in continental Europe but can now be found in temperate climates across North America. August – September grubs feed on the roots of turf and October – December grubs will continue to grow as they feed. NORTH VANCOUVER CHAFER BEETLE TREATMENT: BUR-HAN Garden & Lawn Care is excited to announce that we have fully switched over from our previous product of Nematodes (microscopic roundworms) to a new superior product called Grub Gone. This damage will still be greatly reduced then if no application had been done at all. 4. You may wish to purchase a water exemption permit to allow for additional sprinkling days. In British Columbia the use of insecticides (such as Merit or Acelepryn) are completely prohibited for residential use. European Chafer was first identified in Burnaby about 12 years ago and has since then spread its way all across the city. This can be done by following the below steps: If you have a serious Chafer Beetle infestation most of the turf damage will typically be caused by birds and animals such as  raccoons or skunks digging up the chafer beetle grubs. – Fold back the square patch and count the grubs in the soil by digging around. There will be minimal damage at this time as the first instar of grubs hatch and start to feed on grass roots and the cycle just begins again. Moss Control N/A Chafer Beetle Prevention ... West Coast Lawns and Gardens has been providing the Vancouver area with unparalleled lawn care since 2006, earning the trust of our loyal customers who … The best form of defence against the Chafer Beetle is to maintain a healthy lawn. With the Chafer Seed used on your lawn, we do not recommend any use of weed control products on your lawn. Make sure to keep them regrigerated [sic] until the application day – these are living organisms. They will remain within 5cm of the ground surface and predators may cause turf damage at this time as they dig up the grubs for food. It is only through yearly applications that the population can be reduced. North Western Synthetic Grass - Grand Grass - North Western Property Maintenance. The City is managing Chafer beetle infestations in priority areas, such as parks and greenways, following the best management practices outlined above. Although there are many bandaids on the market to reduce the European Chafer Beetle… The reason it is so easy for animals to roll back or destroy parts of the turf is due to the root system being compromised by the beetles themselves feeding on the turf roots. It has since spread to many Metro Vancouver municipalities. Please provide me with a Grub Gone quote: Employee Testimonials from Bur-Han Landscapers, Retaining Walls West Vancouver by BUR-HAN. Give our office a call if you are struggling to repair chafer damaged lawns as our team can offer suggestions & recommendations. Nematodes are small, parasitic roundworms that can … Previously, Nematodes were the only natural form of defence against the Chafer Beetle Grub. CHAFER BEETLES The European chafer beetle (Rhizotrogus majalis) is a turf pest that has recently arrived in West Vancouver. Vancouver's Lawn and Garden Care Experts. It is through deep watering that the product will be worked into the zone of the soil that contain the chafer grubs. If you lawn looks torn up in spring or later summer you might have chafer beetle. The European chafer beetle is an introduced insect that was first identified in 2001 and has since spread throughout the region. The grub ranges through a variety of depths in the soil and will only be effected by the product if it comes into contact with it. Similar to the European Chafer beetle, the Japanese Beetle larvae live in and feed on the roots of grasses causing damage to lawns as animals dig in search of grubs. That is why here at BUR-HAN Garden & Lawn Care we are proud to be able to offer you only natural products as forms of defence to keep your kids, pets & the environment safe. Weed Control. The best option for Chafer Beetle Control Vancouver is the installation of artificial grass. A thick lush lawn will choke out weeds. Chafer Beetle Control. The Squeamish Gardners note that there are very narrow parameters which must be adhered to for the nematodes to be effective, including the timing of application, the condition of the soil, and weather conditions at the time of application. In addition to solving your Chafer Beetle problems, synthetic grass provides a host of other benefits for your lawn or condo building. Previously, Nematodes were the only natural form of defence against the Chafer Beetle Grub in North Vancouver, BC. In British Columbia the use of insecticides (such as Merit or Acelepryn) are completely prohibited for residential use. An unsuccessful application of nematodes one year means you will likely be doing the entire process again the next year, with repeating costs of nematode and water exemption purchases. Since the European Chafer Beetle grubs eat the roots of grasses, having an infestation can result in a completely destroyed lawn with the dirt underneath the grass churned and writhing with grubs, and the outer grasses brown and dying from lack of root life. This product is organic but is still expected to be around 90% effective so if done along with healthy maintenance, this will yield the best results. Previously, Nematodes were the only natural form of defence against the Chafer Beetle Grub. It has been found through local testing, that while the product only has to be watered in within 72 hours after application, regular watering of the lawn increases the effectiveness of the product. 2110 Front Street, North Vancouver, BC V7H 1A3 Phone: (604) 706-1362 Email: Countless lawns in Metro Vancouver have been destroyed by … Grub Gone is the first Bacillus thuringiensis galleriae (Btg) bio-insecticide to control turf grubs at a level that is equivalent to chemical standards but without the nasty side effects or off-target damage to beneficial insects, (such as bees and other pollinators). The ban on the use of Merit is also noted by the City of North Vancouver which references “the City’s Cosmetic Pesticide Control Use Bylaw, No. The Japanese beetle (Popillia japonica) was detected in the False Creek area of Vancouver … only requires one watering within a 72 hour window after the application has been completed. Application of this product does not guarantee 100% removal of all grubs. Females begin to deposit their eggs (up to 50 per female) back into the soil. This product is also completely safe for kids, pets, pollinators and aquatics. One of the more effective ways to manage chafer beetle infestations in Metro Vancouver is to apply parasitic nematodes (Metro Vancouver 2018). Unlike Nematodes, Grub Gone is effective against 1st, 2nd & 3rd instar pests and therefore can be used as a curative treatment as well as a preventative one. Elimination Option 3: Install Artificial Grass. 8 Year Warranty Vancouver Chafer Beetle If your lawn is struggling to survive the chafer beetle season, it might be time to consider some ways of eliminating this issue once and for all. Previously, Nematodes were the only natural form of defence against the Chafer Beetle Grub in North Vancouver, … – Cut five more squares of sod/turf in different areas of your lawn, count the grubs in each square. ... #40-954 SW Marine Dr. Vancouver… Visit our services page for more info. It has been found through local testing, that while the product only has to be watered in within 72 hours after application, regular watering of the lawn increases the effectiveness of the product. Unfortunately, while these pesticides have proven somewhat effective, they also have severe environmental negatives associated with them and may be banned in your area. These products are not environmentally friendly & can be unsafe for kids, pets, as well as toxic to aquatics & beneficial insects such as bees and other pollinators. Adult European Chafer beetles are tan or brown beetles resembling June beetles but measure only about 1.5cm in length. Eggs laid by the beetle develop into tiny grubs that grow as they feed on the roots of grasses.Round READ MORE: Metro Vancouver residents battle European chafer beetle Trending … Apply nematodes on your lawn at a rate of approximately 50 million nematodes per 139 square metres (1500 square feet). This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Every chafer beetle grub that gets eaten is one less beetle to lay another 50+ eggs come summer. In June, chafer beetles mate and lay their eggs in lawns, where the hatched … While you may wish to put down mesh or fencing in order to keep the lawn in place, if the roots have been eaten from within – you will still run into troubles come spring. This can be done within your lawn watering restrictions. The best option for Chafer Beetle Control Vancouver is the installation of artificial grass. Per CBC News, Merit is banned by many cities including Vancouver, Surrey, or Burnaby. The City is implementing a range of turf care and … Doing a GRUB GONE application every season will help protect your lawn from further damage. Native scarab beetles can be plant pests but don’t tend to cause the extreme and rapid damage to turf that European Chafer causes. We’ll show the severe downsides to using pesticides and nematodes and why fake grass is a great option for your lawn for getting rid of Chafer Beetles and more! 20 years of trusted service. VANCOUVER CHAFER BEETLE TREATMENT: BUR-HAN Garden & Lawn Care is excited to announce that we have fully switched over from our previous product of Nematodes (microscopic roundworms) to a new superior product called Grub Gone. In highly infested zones, predation will still occur with damage being visible from animals searching for the grub. GrubGONE! Sprout is certified by the BC government Integrated Pest Management program, we offer full restoration, prevention and eradication of the Chafer Beetle, the only warrantied provider in the Lower Mainland. These beetles will then fly into the trees to mate and feed. Grass that tells chafer beetles to keep out Tests show that using tall fescue grass is more resistant to European chafer beetle. The beetle’s presence quickly spread and the City of Vancouver has now proclaimed it as “a serious pest,” leaving residents and city officials alike looking for answers on how to get rid of Chafer Beetles. Chafer Beetle - European Chafer : Chafer beetle has become a serious problem for anyone who has a grass lawn in the Metro Vancouver area. BUR-HAN Garden & Lawn Care is excited to announce that we have fully switched over from our previous product of Nematodes (microscopic roundworms) to a new superior product called Grub Gone. We understand this is one of the most frustrating problems to deal with and our team is here to help provide you with the best recommendations we can in order to repair any existing damage to your lawn, as well as get it healthy and ready for whatever the next season might bring. It has been a serious pest in eastern North America for some time and was first identified in the Lower Mainland in 2001. The European chafer beetle (Rhizotrogus majalis) is a new turf pest in the Lower Mainland that was recently identified in West Vancouver. Our Grub Gone package includes the following: Call us today for a free estimate based on the size of your lawn! According to Wikipedia, European Chafer Beetle larvae are “white-coloured and C-shaped, with a yellow-brown head and six jointed legs,” while the adults “are medium-sized, light reddish-brown, and approximately 13–14 millimetres (0.51–0.55 in) long.” Their life cycle lasts for one year with new grubs hatching by late July with the heaviest feeding activities occurring in the fall and spring with some continuing to feed throughout the winter, especially in frost-free zones. The City of Vancouver recommends the following steps for applying nematodes: During the third week of July, complete these steps to treat the infestation:Buy nematodes (Heterorhabditis bacteriophora) from your local lawn and garden store. Vancouver Chafer Beetle Control … Grub Gone will be most effective when used in conjunction with healthy lawn care practices. Therefore, the most effective biological control … 3. BUR-HAN Garden & Lawn Care is excited to announce that we have fully switched over from our previous product of Nematodes (microscopic roundworms) to a new superior product called Grub Gone. West Coast Lawns and Gardens has had excellent success rates using safe, all-natural controls however these must be applied in mid summer and watered in properly. The best way to eliminate a chafer beetle infestation is by replacing the lawn with other low-maintenance chafer-resistant greenery, such as kinnikinnick, salal, creeping thyme, ornamental … beetle (Polyphylla decemlineata) and other June beetles, Phyllophaga species in the Scarabaeidae family. chafer beetle control vancouver MINS | Uncategorised. They are safer for the environment but unfortunately less effective than pesticides and extremely difficult to apply successfully – application must be completed within a single week during the year, requires careful and complex handling of microorganisms, and may require additional watering and a permit exemption to do so. This should cover a 33 x 45 foot lawn. While nematodes are a good solution for many soil dwelling beetle species, timing is critical in the control of chafer beetles. Please find below some additional information on this new product as well as the European Chafer Beetle turf pest and how to deal with Chafer related lawn damage. Nematodes were found to be only around 60% effective while Grub Gone has been tested to be effective up to 90% (if used in accordance with healthy lawn care maintenance). Chemical control: There is no chemical control option allowable under Vancouver’s Pesticide By-law (Health By-Law 9535) The European Chafer A Management Strategy for the Lower Mainland The European chafer… Planning for control applications should be happening in April or May at the latest. Chafer Beetle Control in Vancouver Community Lawn Care. The grubs, measuring 2 to 2.5 cm, are soft, white, and C-shaped with tan … Control of Chafer beetles is extremely time sensitive. © 2020 Bur-Han Garden & Lawn Care. No chafer beetles means no need to fight with nematodes and their finicky application process, no need to deal with city ordinances on pesticide usage, and no worries about damaging the environment. The benefit of Grub Gone is that it is effective against all stages of the chafer grub and chafer beetle and allows for Spring and Fall applications. It was first identified in the Lower Mainland in New West Minster in 2001 and has since spread to many municipalities across Metro Vancouver. If you think you may have European Chafer Beetles or chafer grubs inhabiting your lawn, you can use the following method, provided by the City of Coquitlam, to confirm: – Cut three sides of a 30cm x 30cm square (about the length of a ruler) of grass to a depth of 5cm (about 2in). When it comes to controlling the spread of the Chafer beetle and dealing with an infestation, the use of pesticides is not permitted in Vancouver due to Bylaw No. As we’ll explain, those options include the use of pesticides, the introduction of microscopic organisms called nematodes, and replacing your grass with synthetic grass. The European Chafer beetle is a grub that feeds on the roots of plants. It has been a serious pest in Eastern North America for some … Image of beetle provided by Since it was first discovered … Frustrated residents of Vancouver have become accustomed to the tell-tale signs of the European Chafer Beetle – dry and withered grass, brown patches defiling a once beautiful green lawn, unwelcome animals digging and ripping up the yard, and of course, the beetle larvae themselves present underneath the shriveled remains. While it is likely that the infestation is here to stay, there are some options that can be used in attempts at European Chafer Beetle control in and around Vancouver. Please note the exemption permit allows for sprinkling between the hours of 4:00am – 9:00am only. Nematodes are microscopic organisms that attack Chafer Beetles. Chafer Beetle in a Vancouver lawn, could have been prevented with proper lawn maintenance and care There are some very simple steps that can be taken to help limit and or control infestations of chafer beetles … If your lawn has a high collar or a large amount of thatch, this may make it more difficult for the product to get down to where the grubs feed and could cause the product to be less effective. Contact us today if you’re ready for truly effective Chafer Beetle control in the Vancouver area and ready to make the switch to a maintenance-free, environmentally friendly, and year-round beautiful lawn. European Chafer (Rhizotrogus majalis)The European chafer beetle is an introduced insect to BC that has become a serious lawn pest in the Lower Mainland. CBC News reports that it is those lawn owners with persistent infestations that end up turning towards dangerous and banned pesticides as a last resort. Artificial grass is the only option that eliminates the European Chafer Beetle’s source of nutrition – no … CBC News reports that the pesticide Merit is “one of the controversial neonicotinoid pesticides that face increasing restrictions worldwide because of the risk they pose to bees.” CBC News goes on to say that not only are the pesticides harmful to bees, but also to other beneficial insects and that the pesticides not only affect the ground that is treated, but also seep into the soil, the surrounding plants, and even the ground and surface water. New grubs then begin to feed on grass roots & damage to turf may start to become visible in brown, dying patches of grass. However, weeds can appear from seeds that have laid dormant in the soil or have been carried in by wind and birds. If the grubs themselves haven’t ruined your lawn, then, as the Squeamish Gardners report, it is likely that you will have crows, raccoons, skunks and potentially other critters digging and tearing apart your lawns “leaving them looking as if they’ve been over-enthusiastically power-raked or rototilled.” While the Squeamish Gardners admit that these grub-eaters are, in a way, assisting with European Chafer Beetle control by eating them before they reach maturity, that doesn’t change the fact that your lawn has been decimated in the process. Damage by animals is most severe in the Fall & Spring as this is when the grubs are rapidly increasing in size and feeding nearer to the surface. 8041. Unfortunately, this infestation will only continue through 2017 and beyond despite attempts at European Chafer Beetle control and especially since it is an invasive species with no natural predators in the Vancouver area. Previously, Nematodes … Lawn Fertilization – regular fertilization of your lawn will ensure that it receives all the proper nutrients it needs throughout the season to remain as strong and healthy as possible. The most important thing to note about the new Grub Gone application (or any organic form of Chafer Beetle Control) is that it is always recommended in ADDITION to a healthy lawn maintenance plan. This is an organic application, and as such will not be 100% guaranteed in completely killing all of the grubs in your lawn. The large, white grubs prefer to “feed on the roots of most cool-latitude grasses, both wild and cultivated.”. January – March the grubs will still continue to grow as thy feed and damage will continue. Effective treatment options available to protect your lawn from the Racoons and Crows destroying your lawn. Artificial grass is the only option that eliminates the European Chafer Beetle’s source of nutrition â€“ no grass root, no chafer beetle. All Rights Reserved. Water the lawn again after the application to push the nematodes into the soil. … Weed control … – If more than 5 grubs per square are found, then chafer control may be necessary. What is the European Chafer Beetle and how did it get to Vancouver? Chafer Beetle Control. Lawn Cutting Height – cutting at a proper height of 2.5-3” on a weekly schedule will promote deeper root growth, making the turf more resistant to both the grubs feeding on the roots & the animals pulling it back. Here's how to treat chafer beetles with GrubGONE. These products are not environmentally friendly & can be unsafe for kids, pets, as well as toxic to aquatics & beneficial insects such as bees and other pollinators. Two pesticides, Merit and Sevin, are typically used in the quest to get rid of Chafer Beetles. All Rights Reserved |. Adult Japanese beetles are … The life cycle of the Chafer Beetle lasts one year with new eggs hatching in July pending weather conditions. 8041” and by the City of Vancouver which indicates that they do “not allow pesticides or chemicals such as Merit or Arena to treat chafer beetles, as per Health Bylaw No. April – June is when the grubs will have grown into beetles. 1. 9535.”. On the roots of plants me with a Grub that feeds on the size your! Between the hours of 4:00am – 9:00am only Inc. ( NWPM ) by many cities including Vancouver, V7H. Lawn from further damage in temperate climates across North America it has since spread! Have grown into beetles chafer beetle control vancouver grubs options available to protect your lawn, count the grubs will grown... Has since spread to many municipalities across Metro Vancouver municipalities across Metro Vancouver watering restrictions ]. 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