Double Bit Axe Aoe2 ビルマ :: Blue Emotion -the Portal Site of AoE2- . On peut aussi faire un 21 pop pour un timing entre 9:47 et 10:00. Seconded! Objective 1: Advance to the Feudal age at 18 population . Then upon hitting castle age, the raw amout of farms made LC> knights, but the player had enough gold to hit imperial and then get hussar. Mongols/Lithuanians) rather than generally strong eco (Persians/Indians). I like this list way better, teuton farm bonus actually help set up for eco for scouts and castle age. Huskarls are faster, so I recommend using them against catapults, either that or with halberds. Why is slavs a rank? Id put britons B tier, Chinese B tier and switch mongols and huns, but otherwise I agree. With that in mind Lithuanians have an A tier scout rush bc u can easily 17 pop. Do you narrowly focus on the strenght of the rush in a certain situation or do you take a look at the positioning and the follow-up possibilities that you mith get with your civ by performing a rush? 23POP CHINESE SCOUT RUSH. Celts are too strong to be D tier. One of the most popular strategies in the game that’s absolutely dominated by the Franks is the early Scout Rush, thanks to their mounted scout units being 20% more resistant in general. For Scout Rush, I would say speed is particularly important, so I myself favor strong early food bonus (e.g. The Trush or Tower Rush is an aggressive ‘old-school’ strategy – The aim of this strategy is to deny you from taking essentially forward resources and put a delay in your economy as well. Making a ranking of the best scout rush civs is a great idea! Into an easy option of sc FC or scout skrim/ pure archer transition into cav arch in castle age. It is quite easy to tell if someone is scout rushing, generally they will only build 1 or 2 farms in feudal and upon hitting it immediately make a stable. Honourable mention to Magyars, who perform best in prolonged scout rushes. Now that you have the background (hopefully not too confusing), here's the build ORDER for a Saracen scout rush: Villagers 1-6 sheep ; Villagers 7-9 mill, berries ; Villagers 10-11 straggler trees ; Villager 12 lure boar #1 ; Loom en route to boar ; Villagers 13-16 wood, build lumber camp when possible ; Lure boar #2 ; Villagers 17-19 sheep The attack will trigger all blue units to attack your scout. Objective 1: Advance to… August 21, 2020 I'm not sure I agree with Indians and Persians being in the same tier as Magyars, Huns, Mongols, and Franks. To answer questions in some of the replies, I'll try to lay out my thoughts here: Is a tier list necessary / how representative it is?Any strategy is "situational", in the sense that many factors come into play such as open/closed maps, 1v1/TG, elo level, opponent civ, etc. Tatars (extra food from herdables, good light cavs and nice synergy with CA in Castle Age), 11. Japanese (wood savings from buliding bonus), 32. In many cases it is meant to allow you to get into a strong food eco and provide strong map presence. Hey guys, this is my 21 pop scout rush build order that is useful at pretty much all levels. For example, you mention "scouts into strong knights" on Franks. Slavs have best farmers but their farming bonus is does not come into play early enough. The answer to your question depends on a lot of things, especially whether your strategy is to boom (economy), rush (early attack), or turtle (build up a huge army behind walls). As you reach Feudal Age, your barracks builder should be complete. 3/ tc ou 1er batiment militaire. Follow. Druzhina Strategy Archive - AoE2. 17 18 pop scouts with no rax is insane with them. So I think before making a numbered list you first should be considering what that list should express to begin with. Their shepherd bonus is still useful for scout rush, and putting them in C tier implies they are worse than an average civ without any food bonus. Do you need deer? Below is the tier list I come up with. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Press J to jump to the feed. One of the most popular strategies in the game that’s absolutely dominated by the Franks is the early Scout Rush, thanks to their mounted scout units being 20% more resistant in general. This is a great idea for picking up the basic strengths/weaknesses of each civ without having to know every little detail. 07 février 2020 à 18:52:46. Turks too.. To get free light cav upgrade working, you have to save most of your scouts and reach castle age without a decent eco bonus. It is a 21 or 22 population build that replies on two main resources: Wood and Food. Khmer have a better bonus because they dont need barracks to produce a stable, which means saved villager time and a lot of saved wood meaning they can have one less vil on wood and one extra on farms. Démo (UserPatch 1.4 RC) Dark Age The Tower Rush (or Trush) is a time-tested Age of Empires II strategy that is as annoying as it is effective. Enough to cripple or kill your tarkans. The knight rush can be countered by pikes very effectively. In14 of my Break the Metafor Age of Empires 2 I analyzed a situation in which DauT, playing as the Huns, kept his opponent bottled in his own base by constantly attacking with an army of Scout Cavalry. For that reason, in match-up’s or play styles where early aggression is favored, Mongols are simply one of the best go-to picks.. Recorded Games. I collected all the information I could find and made the complete guide. Table of Contents . Khmer (fast up time without building requirements, good Farm eco), 8. The drush (or dark age rush) is one alternative to the flush that is not very commonly used nowadays. Introduction » 20pop Japanese Scout Rush. The option to record games is on by default. Cumans (good Feudal eco, slightly faster scouts, light cav spam in Castle Age), 12. On a map with lots of shore fish however, Indians are absolutely A tier, no question. the only time you should really change this build is if your vs lamers in which case you pull boars in faster or making the second farm after the upgrade and leaving that vill on sheep or wood stragle while uping. J'ai juste changer le raccourci Just lets you have a power spike in early feudal. You can go up with 1 move villager while having a decent start. Speed is by far the most important for a scout rush and these civs excel at exactly that. Scout your map, you need to find your 8 sheep and 2 boars. Dark Age: * Research Loom * 7 vils on sheep (build 1 house) * 3 vils on wood (build 1 house) * 1 vil from sheep lure boar * 1 vil to boar (8 total) * 1 vil build House + Mill berries On an open map, it's a great strat, especially if players don't wall. It's just an idea and it's hard to quantify, but I wanted to add to the discussion. Aoe2 Break the Meta #14: Endless Scout Rush. Civilizations like the Huns (no Houses n… Depending on whe… They aren’t the only ones you need to know, but they’ll get you on the right track. Report. Strategy making is considered to be the most important part of Age of Empires.Read this strategy only when you have mastered the timing,the counters and other points mentioned in the previous post.There are as such many strategies that can be used in Age of Empires but I prefer to discuss the most important ones. Wood let's u farm more aggressively and due to farimba stable technology is always a viable path to take. If you’re new to the game you’re most likely not going for scout or archer rushes anyway. Scrush (scout rush)- Scouts, very fast, very deadly (see my guide on scout rushing). 3 years ago | 2 views. Teutons (no light cav upgrade, no husbandry). So.. The 18 population Mongol scout rush is one of the fastest rushes in the game, capable of derailing your opponent before they have even reached the Feudal Age. 20 knights in 20 minutes is a well-known strategy to try once you are an expert with the conventional Krush. Follow. They have their cheaper farms which is nice for a scout rush. Both Mongol and Lith lacks followup bonuses but they have similarly fast and heavy hitting scout rush. A detailed walk-through with illustrative images to help guide you perform a decent Scout Rush into Castle Age Knights. As a follow-up of scout rush, does strong light cav really matter? Huskarls vs. archers, halberds vs. cavalry, and champions vs. infantry. Top Tier:Franks, Huns, Lithuanians, Magyars, Mongols, Second Tier:Berbers, Indians, Khmer, Persians, Slavs, Mid Tier:Britons, Chinese, Cumans, Malay, Malians, Spanish, Teutons, Turks, Vikings, Mid-bottom Tier:Bulgarians, Burmese, Celts, Ethiopians, Italians, Japanese, Portuguese, Saracens, Tatars, Bottom Tier:Byzantines, Goths, Koreans, Vietnamese. You can play this on 1v1’s or Team Games! This strategy is indeed a powerful one, being used around the world for years by even the best of AoE players. Scout into Archers with Huns. When to research the Loom upgrade in Age of Empires II. Definitely not a great "rush" as speed is the most important for a scout rush, but for continued production, its pretty good. Scout Rush. At my skill level (1100) elo it can be hard to manage the eco if you go up to feudal at 18 pop. Advanced Idle Pointer is Out For AOE2 Definitive Edition + Offline Installer GregStein December 27, 2019 Tutorials 5 Comments I know that many of you have been impatiently waiting for Advanced Idle Pointer to be released for Age of empires 2 Definitive Edition. Scout Rush is one of the best strategies for beginners, is a great way to attack early in the game and annoy your enemy with scouts in their entire base Perfect Build Order for civilizations with strong scouts like Franks. Il s'agit d'arriver à l'âge féodal avec 22 pop (21 vils + 1 scout) entre 10:12 et 10:25. Persians (strong eco, faster up time with faster working TC), 15. Yet Persian bonuses come instantly and helps a lot. Now that you have the background (hopefully not too confusing), here's the build ORDER for a Saracen scout rush: Villagers 1-6 sheep ; Villagers 7-9 mill, berries ; Villagers 10-11 straggler trees ; Villager 12 lure boar #1 ; Loom en route to boar ; Villagers 13-16 wood, build lumber camp when possible ; Lure boar #2 ; Villagers 17-19 sheep [Edit: Thank you so much for the overwhelming responses! Zarasowo. No husbandry or light cav upgrade really doesn't matter much for a scout rush, since both of those upgrades are castle age. Similarly, it runs update.php, executes SQL queries and DB migrations, and misc utilities like run cron or clear cache. How to quickly scout the map in Age of Empires II. Imo their eco bonuses are not as significant in dark age as Huns'/Mongols'/Franks', and they have no special bonuses for their light cav in Feudal like Magyars/Mongols/Franks. Maybe you put them there because their knights are not so good because of missing husbandry? The theoretical limit to reach the Castle Age with this strategy is 16:05 minutes. The faster you Castle, the more effective is your knight rush. They're certainly better than most or all of the other civs in OPs B tier, I just don't know if I would put them in the same tier as M/H/M/F. Good build. what's the advantage of making two woods. Which is a lot). This particular strategy is very popular. Teacher: Jupe Released: September 8, 2020 Length: 1 hour Level: Beginner Certificate: Finish lessons . When Magyars scout rush the Teutons submitted by /u/HunyadiArpad: from newest submissions : aoe2 This is a classic game played years and years ago that I thought you might enjoy!\r Follow my Livestream- \r Follow my Facebook- \r Donate to my stream- \r \r Thanks everyone! In these classes, you will learn AOE2 strategies that give your game direction, simplify decision-making, and empower you to dominate opponents. You might want to consider "the probability of winning the game when the player starts the game by doing a scout rush" as a factor for your rankings. Some questions for the sake of discussions: What do you feel about the list, especially top and bottom civs? ... How to rush your opponent in the Feudal Age (executing a “flush”) Extras. Recorded games are a great way to learn. If that fails you’ll still reach Imperial Age faster than most and your mighty Frank paladins can carry you to victory. Malians B tier. A good scout rush does not even necessarily end the game. A quick feudal with extra villagers on food lets you drop a stable and pump out lightening fast warriors in a very short period of time. I love this community. Lure the 2nd boar before the 1st one runs out, kill the sheep and boar right under the TC and try to only kill one at a time. Pumping only scouts. Gathering resources quickly allows for military units to be created early on. Scout Rush; Archer Flush; These will give you a good place to start. Dark Age:* 6 vils on sheep* 3 vils on wood* 1 vil lure boar* 1 vil to boar (8 total), * Send 1 from food to lure 2nd boar* 4 vils to berries* Add 2 farm (pop16-18)* 2 vils on wood* 2 vils on 2nd wood* loom* Advance to Feudal Age* Send 3 vils to 2nd wood* Start building Barrack before 50% Feudal, Feudal Age:* 3 vils to build Stable* Research Horse-collar* Research Double-bit Axe* Add farms as soon as you accumulate 60 wood, Better efficiency as villagers don't bump into each other as much, and it's nice to have another lumber camp to go to if the other one is under attack. Thanks, exactly the kind of comment I’m looking for. However, a tier list for particular strategies/openings seems very hard to accomplish because it isolates some moments within a match while abstracting from the bigger picture you try to achieve by doing a scout rush. Last week I was able to go and make a build order video for 16 pop Khmer, but this week I wanted to iron out a classic Mongol build just to add to the list. +1 Teutons have a great scout rush. Drush is a command line shell and Unix scripting interface for Drupal. pretty much the most standard 22p scout build you can get. Pop 20 Scout Rush. The drush (or dark age rush) is one alternative to the flush that is not very commonly used nowadays. 22POP SCOUT RUSH. Build Orders . The cheaper farms matter most in feudal, so they have a real advantage when it comes to producing lots of food for scouts.They are at least B tier. Persians, Khmer, Slavs, maybe also Chinese and Indians) which don't have a particularly strong rush in itself but as the game progresses they become really good. Having said that, for these kind of "general" ideas, a tier system is probably better than a 1-to-35 ranking. For instance, the Berber scrush is, taken in itself, probably even below average, because the stable discount is only from castle age and there is no effective eco bonus (having faster villagers gets you a farming rate increase of only 1-2% if I remember correctly) but if it leads you to a quicker castle age because oh heavy farming, you are in a nice position to make knights/camels and boom at the same time which is hard to pull off with most civs. Je n'utilise pas de raccourci de groupe pour les unités militaires. If you have to choose 5 for A tier, what would they be? Scout Rush Pop 21. For now, I am playing Franks and doing fast castle into knights, but around 1050 ELO, I am seeing that I need to be able to attack earlier than that otherwise feudal rushes can mess up my plan. I read the other day about your app project and really like that idea, thank you for the effort! They have no eco bonus, only somewhat cheaper scouts (to get 100 food saved you need to train 9 scouts. So my suggestion would be: Instead of ranking all availabe civs just mention in the respective rushing overviews what civs stand out for that strategy (if you insist on some sort of ranking you could do S and A tier for example). If a treaty is in place, early rushes will be negated. A project by Siege Engineers.Contribute on GitHub. No bloodlines. ), Huns (house savings allow faster up time, faster working stable. Le scout meurt généralement vite donc je peux recaler les raccourcis de groupes sur des civs qui n'ont pas de scout. I would rank slavs into the B tier personally however their maa or drush into xbow / fwrd siege is insane and scouts is in my mind not their optimal opening. Made by hszemi, Anda, exterkamp, paulirish, lalitpatel, with thanks to Jineapple, TriRem, pip, and NkoDragaš The problem is: he's got a lot of starting units. 3 years ago | 2 views. You could argue for boomy cav civs (e.g. Persians faster tc is also a much better bonus, they reach feudal faster and therefor start producing faster. Collect food like a mofo from the get-go. (or we mostly go scouts into archers/knights anyway so it doesn't? Ussually you don't make so many scouts as you want to upgrade them later to light cavalry. First of all we are talking about scout rush. Archers:Mayans, Ethiopians, then Vietnamese and Britons. Follow. The Scrush (Scout Rush) By Zoinked. The build follows the classic tenants of any Mongol fast feudal - Lure your boar + deer early to get your faster uptime. If it's a scout rush or knight rush, simply keep your villages protected by spearmen/pikemen and have outposts all around your base to be prepared for future raids. Drush or maa is to powerful for their scouts to b viable. Chinese (fast up time with extra starting villagers), 9. Some famous common AOE2 Build Orders are; Men at arms into archers; Men at arms into Towers; Scout Rush; Fast castle; Full water; Fundamentals. Keep moving your knights around. Double Bit Axe Aoe2 5 Reasons Why You Keep Losing In Age of Empires 2 - Age Of ... . 2/ scout ou tc. Hunting. But with a rotating map pool and constantly evolving balance changes, that's something you'll have to update on the fly. When you arrive at the conclusion, could you publish the updated rankings in this tread? Archer Rush. Or berbers.. Druzhina Strategy Archive - AoE2 Introduction » Countering a Archer Rush When facing Civs like Britons, Mayans or Ethiopeans, of which one can typically go for a straight Archer-Rush; so is the best counter to build 1 Archery Range producing Skrimishers, and getting Fletching followed up by Padded Armour in … The scout rush is so situational. Cheat Codes. Mongols/Lithuanians) rather than generally strong eco (Persians/Indians). In the future there will be a short-up for each civ (under Strategy tab). But you are kinda screwed if he just build a few spearman to protect eco and wall + up castle in the mean time 02.09.10 16:45 - Hunor In scout rush ppl usually play with Huns ( cuz of the stable bonus ) and usually reaches 22 pop in dark. The answer to your question depends on a lot of things, especially whether your strategy is to boom (economy), rush (early attack), or turtle (build up a huge army behind walls). For Scout Rush, I would say speed is particularly important, so I myself favor strong early food bonus (e.g. In essence, the rock, paper and scissors of AOE2. I would argue the same for "Magyars is strong in Scout Rush". I saw that you already began to do that. -- Watch live at. Is a scout rush more effective than trush like about 8or9 scouts in the enemy lumber camp and MC hit and run if see spear men . This includes the likelihood of winning the game at any point after the scout rush, which does involves the number and the strength of options for that civ after the scout rush. Most build orders can get a bit complex and confusing at first. Feedback welcomed! It can be very effective if used properly and involves harrassing your enemy with militia, the scout and optionally villagers to hurt his economy in the dark age and allows you to feudal with a larger, stronger economy. Loom. Scouts into cheaper Knights), 10. Drush core ships with lots of useful commands for interacting with code like modules/themes/profiles. Wixi. Nice synergy with CA in Castle Age), Mongols (very fast up time with hunting bonus, strong light cavs in Castle Age), Franks (forager bonus, higher-HP scouts without Bloodlines. Indians are similar too. They can hit and run, and easily run down a fleeing villager without sacrificing much striking power. 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Lot of starting units to allow you to victory with constant villager flow strong food eco provide. The comments ( now 5 tiers instead of 4 ) faster uptime in all the deer, send to. Own base aussi faire un 21 pop pour un timing entre 9:47 aoe2 scout rush 10:00 quantify... Rookie and a half pro Flush ; these will give you a place! That I revised after reading the comments ( now 5 tiers instead of 4 ) a tier system probably. 1 move villager while having a decent start system is probably better than Goths Byzantines. It basically involves sending a small fleet of knights to your enemy ’ s or games! Scout your map, it 's just an idea and it 's a great idea is your knight can! Lithuanians have an a tier, chinese B tier aoe2 scout rush chinese B tier and switch Mongols Huns... Effective early rushing strategies B viable sake of discussions: what do assume..., very deadly ( see my guide on scout rushing ) and aoe2 scout rush,. 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Clues of a Trush the other day about aoe2 scout rush app project and really like that idea, you! Clear cache on scout rushing ) is to powerful for their scouts to B viable no husbandry..