Most of the precipitation here falls in November, averaging 35 mm | 1.4 inch. Maximum daytime temperature: 22 degrees Celsius; Minimum nighttime temperature: 16 degrees Celsius. Las Palmas Weather in November.
Recent places. We provide day and night temperature, sunshine hours, sea temperature and rainfall averages for La Palma in November Forecast days. The average maximum temperature lies around 24.0°C (75.2°F). November is in the fall / autumn in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and is typically the 6th warmest month of the year. Average Weather during November in Las Palmas, Canary Islands. The climate in Las Palmas during November can be summarized as hot, humid and very wet.
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Daytime maximum temperatures average around a muggy 28°C (82°F), whilst at night 22°C (72°F) is normal. January is the coldest month, with temperatures averaging 17.8 °C | 64.0 °F.
With a water temperature of around 21.0°C (69.8°F), this is a … Temperature (°C) Avg. The temperatures are highest on average in August, at around 23.7 °C | 74.7 °F. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Weather by month // weather averages Avg. November is a dry month with an average of 22mm (0.9in) rain. See our recommendations for the best things to do in La Palma. Get La Palma typical weather in November. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria average temperature. Las Palmas (Spain) weather. What's the weather like in Las Palmas, Panama in November 2020? In Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, the average percentage of the sky covered by clouds experiences significant seasonal variation over the course of the year.. Use my current location. Please choose your location from the nearest places to : Suggested places. Daytime maximum temperatures average around 22°C (72°F), whilst at night 16°C (61°F) is normal. The climate in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria during November can be summarized as warm and reasonably dry. November is in the fall / autumn in Las Palmas and is typically the 2nd coldest month of the year. The average minimum temperature (usually the minimum temperature is noted during the night) in Las Palmas in November is 19.0°C (66.2°F). Find a forecast.
Average temperature in November in Santa Cruz de La Palma.
The average temperature is 21 °C, which is a mean value calculated between the average high temperature during the daytime of 23.5 °C and the average low temperature of 18 °C.