Vaccinen beskytter din hund effektivt mod smitte, hvis revaccinationstidspunktet overholdes, ellers må der gives en ekstra vaccination efter 4 uger. Tidningen ges ut av LRF Media. Rabies. Cost to transport your pet in the cargo: 80 - 99 EUR (online) 85 - 105 EUR (airport), per animal, each way.

Mailchimp is the All-In-One integrated marketing platform for small businesses, to grow your business on your terms. Din dyrlæge kan anbefale den bedste vaccine til dit dyr. BMW Group fo­cu­ses on fle­xi­bi­li­ty and so­li­da­ri­ty in dea­ling with Co­ro­na­vi­rus Pan­de­mic. Der findes rabiesvacciner til mange forskellige dyrearter, men vaccinationen anvendes særligt til hunde og katte, som fx skal rejse med deres ejer eller eksporteres til et andet land. Vaccinen skal være givet minimum 3 uger før udrejse og holder 3 år ved rejse i EU-lande. Our step by step guidance on diagnosis, prognosis, treatment and prevention is updated daily using robust evidence based methodology and expert opinion.

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Brussels Airlines is Belgium's national carrier and operates flights between Brussels and Europe, Africa and the United States. Gyldig vaccination.
learn more In­no­va­tion lead­er­ship: BMW Group plans over 30 bil­lion eu­ros on fu­ture-ori­ent­ed tech­nolo­gies up … Planning a trip with your four-legged friend? Most of the region is above the Arctic Circle , and much of it is filled with mountains with jagged peaks and ridges, even on the many islands. Northern Norway, or Nord-Norge, begins almost exactly at the midpoint of the country. BMJ Best Practice takes you quickly and accurately to the latest evidence-based information, whenever and wherever you need it. Travelling with pets. Land Lantbruk är Sveriges största tidning med nyheter om jord och skog, med en upplaga på 112 000 exemplar. Hvis du rejser udenlands med din hund, skal den have et pas og en gyldig Rabiesvaccination. Your cat or dog is very welcome on many of our flights. Se video om E U-kommission ens kamp for at udrydde rabies og forhindre indslæben af sygdommen fra tredjelande. Boehringer Ingelheim has taken many measures to protect the health of our employees and ensure the continued supply of our medicines to the people and animals who need them during these challenging times - read more on our global COVID-19 information hub. Pets in the cargo hold.