Dear Dr. Widgren, The journal Sustainability (ISSN 2071-1050, IF 2.075) is currently running a Special Issue entitled "Certified Wild Plant Gathering in Organic Farming: Sustainability, Food Safety, Compliance and Supply Chains". The attendants handed out a list of foodstuff you could purchase onboard so when we wanted to order a hot slice of pizza for 7 euros and a hot sandwich for 5 they gave us the answer that made us decide never ever to fly Ryanair again: "Sorry but it´s all sold out, what we can offer you is candy, some nuts and possibly muffins if there are any left." Covid 19-krigsutbrottet ägde rum torsdag den 12 mars 2020. Sammankomster med fler än 500 personer förbjöds och regeringen uppmanande människor att arbeta... 3 veckor sedan