Asperger's syndrome was formerly characterized as a distinct autism spectrum disorder; the DSM-5 in May 2013 combined the diagnosis with autistic disorder into one condition called autism spectrum disorder or ASD. ADNP syndrome, also known as Helsmoortel-van der Aa syndrome, is a complex neuro-developmental disorder that affects the brain and many other areas and functions of the body. Az Asperger-szindróma (Asperger syndrome, gyakori rövidítése AS) neurobiológiai betegségnek számító pervazív fejlődési zavarok egyik kategóriája, amelynek a BNO kódja: F84.5. Asperger syndrome is characterized by deficiencies in social and communication skills. AS cannot be … Asperger's syndrome is one of those conditions that raises the question of where to draw the line between normal and abnormal and what to do about it. But… Asperger syndrome is one of a group of conditions called pervasive development disorders. Teen climate change activist Greta Thunberg has Asperger’s, a diagnosis that an estimated 1 in 250 people will receive, according to the Asperger/Autism Network. It is considered to be part of the autism spectrum and is differentiated from other Autism Spectrum Disorders in that early development is normal and there is no language delay.

Children and adults with Asperger’s syndrome experience a wide variety of symptoms, and no two cases are exactly the same. Az ezzel a fogyatékossággal élő személy jogosult a fogyatékosoknak járó kedvezmények igénybevételére.
Asperger Syndrome Children with Asperger syndrome are capable of learning but often require specific adaptations and accommodations in the classroom to allow them to succeed.

Asperger’s syndrome was a unique diagnosis listed in the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnosis and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) until 2013, when all forms of autism … Asperger’s syndrome (AS) is considered to be on the mild end of a group of neurological disorders known as autism spectrum disorders. Asperger’s syndrome is a type of autism. Those affected by social impairment, difficulty with communications, and often restrictive, repetitive and stereotyped behavioral patterns.

It is a neurologically caused developmental condition. Asperger Syndrome (AS) is an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and part of a unique group of neurodevelopmental disorders, all complex. Autism also resides on a spectrum.

It is characterized by social and communication difficulties and repetitive or restrictive patterns of behavior. Asperger syndrome can also be referred to as Asperger’s syndrome or AS.