You can even set up a text alert to track flights. General information about the facilities, cargo handling and rates.

Aerodrom Šarl de Gol predstavlja najvažniji aerodrom u Francuskoj.

Paris [paʁi]) je glavni i najveći grad Francuske.Smješten je na obalama rijeke Seine u sjevernoj Francuskoj, u središtu pokrajine Île-de-France, također poznate kao "Pariška regija" (fra. Région parisienne).Stanovništvo grada Pariza, u svojim od 1860. uvelike nepromijenjenim granicama, procijenjuje se na 2 167 994 (siječanj 2006.) Here you can find out whether your flight is on time, late, very late or excessively late.

Glavno je prometno središte Air-Francea.. Ime je dobila po Charles de Gaulleu (1890.-1970. … International airport 16 kilometres from the capitol. • Cesta dr. Franje Tuđmana 1270 • 21217 Kaštel Štafilić • HRVATSKA • Tel: ++385 (0)21 203 555 Whether you’re picking someone up from CDG or checking your onward connection, our Arrivals page will keep you up-to-date and informed. ZRAČNA LUKA SPLIT d.o.o. Zračna Luka Paris Charles de Gaulle (IATA: CDG, ICAO: LFPG) , također poznat i kao Zračna luka Roissy (ili na francuskom samo Roissy) je najveća francuska zračna luka i jedan je od vodećih svjetskih zrakoplovnih prometnih centara. Please note: The term Paris Charles De Gaulle Airport CDG as well as all associated graphics, logos, and/or other trademarks, tradenames or copyrights are the property of the Paris Airport authority and are used herein for factual descriptive purposes only.

The cheapest way to get from Aerodrom to Paris costs only 109€, and the quickest way takes just 5¾ hours.

From March 26th at 11:30pm, flights operated from Paris-Orly 1,2 & 4 are reassigned to Orly 3. Od aerodrom do Pariza možete koristiti prigradski voz RER, linija B. Karte za voz se kupuju na zelenim automatima na aerodromu. INFORMATION : From 22/3 starting 11.30pm: flights operated from Paris-CDG Terminal 3 & 2G are reassigned to others terminal.

Zračna luka Split. Nalazi se 23km severoistočno od Pariza. From March 31th at 11:30pm, until further notice, flights operated from Paris-Orly are reassigned to Paris-CDG. Find the travel option that best suits you. Otvoren je 8. marta 1974. godine i nazvan je u čast francuskog predsednika i generala Šarla De Gola. Pariz (fra.