Have a French Verb. For example, the verb dire is conjugated with avoir. It’s hard to translate the expression “can’t wait” into French because the structures in French and English are so different. Example : Si tu me dis que les chats sont plus adorables que les chiens, je dirai que tu as raison, mais ce chien dira que tu as tort ! But it has so much more than that going for it! Je les ai achetés pour toi . A participle is a verb form used with an auxiliary verb to form a tense, or when a … I was so hungry!” “No problem. « Fais-moi confiance, » le renard a dit au bonhomme de pain d’épices. (You’re not allowed to do that!). The literal translation of this expression is “to have a broom in your ass”. But if you want to imply “saying something to each other, saying something to oneself, saying something to themselves, etc.”, you would make this a reflexive verb and conjugate it with être instead. French auxiliary verbs: 1. avoir - forms and use . The majority of French verbs are regular and forming their past participle is easy. In informal modern French, there are a lot of "glidings" (elisions). It’s fairly informal but understood and accepted by the general public. You use à before a noun and de before a verb, as you can see in the previous examples, or here: À Paris, les personnes âgées ont droit à des billets de Métro gratuits. The Verb Avoir Quiz. – avoir peur (de) (to be afraid (of)). Here’s a reminder that you don’t use the verb visiter when visiting people. – avoir hâte de (can’t wait to…). (You’re going to do great on your exam ! In English, we say “to have two left feet.”. Here are some of the avoir expressions that I hear the most (along with those from the previous list, of course) here in Paris. You’re in fine form this morning!). Avoir means 'to have' in French. Below the list I’ve include some example sentences. Sortir. Ex : Nous ne sommes pas fatigués – nous avons l’habitude de nous coucher tard. Generally speaking, most verbs use avoir an an auxiliary verb in the compound tenses: all transitive verbs (verbs that are followed by a direct object) ), – avoir du mal à (to have a hard time doing something). Si on la met, j’aurai trop froid.» (‘Oh, I’m hot! Tell me the meaning of the verb AVOIR and conjugate it. ; Il y a beaucoup de fourmis sur la table ! Mastering the French verb conjugation can be quite a challenge for a language learner. ), – avoir le béguin pour (to have a crush on). -avoir __ dans le sang (__ is in one’s blood). Preview. Avoir droit means that you’re entitled to. (J’ai du mal à ouvrir cette boite – tu peux m’aider? In other words, to have other, more important things to tend to. Example: Jamais il ne t’achètera une belle bague; il a des oursins dans la poche! – avoir une faim de loup (to be very hungry). Example: Il a honte de ses dents. 1. ), À Paris, les personnes âgées ont le droit de prendre le Métro gratuitement. – avoir du caractère (to have a strong personality). For example: N’ayez pas peur. And those are just the basics. And finally, more phrasal verbs to do with states of being are avoir faim and avoir … For example, a school might send a letter to parents describing meals they’re serving and say something like: Pour le goûter, chaque enfant a droit à un gateau. Various forms of the verb avoir are among the most commonly occurring French verb forms. AP Calculus Review Sheet 42 Terms. ), – avoir confiance/avoir confiance en (to trust/to have faith in). Il fait chaud dans cette pièce ! As with the previous example, you can use this phrase with a noun or with the infinitive of a verb. We use it in many expressions like: avoir besoin de (to need) avoir envie de (to want) avoir hâte de (can’t wait to) avoir l’habitude (to be used to) avoir mal (to hurt) en avoir marre de (to be fed up with) avoir l’air (to look) avoir confiance en (to trust) French verbs avoir and être worksheet. This … jayemgee98. For example: J’ai dit de ne pas m’embêter ! To make sure that you understand the correct answers, our answer keys offer simple explanations as well as handy tips and tricks. (This morning, I saw two cats in the garden.) Marine sera contente – elle a le béguin pour lui. See the lessons on Passé Composé with ÊTRE to learn more about French verbs that form the Passé Composé with the auxiliary (“helper”) verb être. Read on to see the conjugation of these two verbs, then master the difference between avoir and être as auxiliary verbs. This literally translates to ‘to have a little hollow spot’, which I think is a perfect way to describe this feeling. That would be more than enough for most verbs, but avoir’s got to have it all! Marine will be happy – she’s got a crush on him.). Alysa Salzberg is an American writer, worrier, teacher, and cookie enthusiast who has lived in Paris, France, for more than a decade. After all, you don’t have to agree objects and participles when you use it, right? So, naturally, it’s one of the first verbs you learn when you start studying the language. An auxiliary is used to form other verb tenses e.g. If you want to say that a person feels hot or cold to the touch, you can either specify where: Son front est chaud, il a peut-être de la fièvre. You’ll especially hear it from kids, who are learning rules in school and at home. This expression is common and also wonderful because it literally translates to “have the cockroach.” Then again, are cockroaches really depressed animals? On met la clim’ ? In French and in English, the verbs être (to be), avoir (to have), aller (to go), and faire (to do) are probably the most used verbs of our repertoire, which is also why they have become so twisted. For all the tenses, both simple and compound, see avoir conjugations. C’est une histoire fascinante que Simone a écrite. – avoir la banane (to be happy, smiling). This extremely informal, slang expression is usually used to describe an object or possibly an animal, rather than a person. Agreement because des gateaux is replaced by les). Vander I’m starving!). I hope you’ve had a good time learning about the different facets of avoir. Like your favorite sneakers, the more you use them, the more worn out and deformed they become! But that doesn’t mean you should use them interchangeably! Avoir verb quiz 20 Questions - Developed by: Mme Shona - Developed on: 2015-05-08 - 41,376 taken - User Rating: 3.9 of 5 - 11 votes - 85 people like it This is a quiz to determine how well you know the conjugation of the French verb Avoir. (There’s an ant on the table.) (His dog needs to run.). Avoir is the French verb meaning "to have." (His forehead is hot, he might have a fever.) The multitalented verb avoir is omnipresent in the French written and spoken language and appears in a multitude of idiomatic expressions, thanks to its utility and versatility. Examples: J’ai besoin d’un nouveau vélo. ), to someone who loves to travel and doesn’t want to settle in one place. Author: Created by anyholland. (Martine has wanderlust. – avoir la bougeotte (to have wanderlust, to be unable to sit still). ishanimehta. As an impersonal verb (verbe impersonnel), avoir is the verb in the utilitarian expression il y a. (Watch out! Note that all these verbs describe a kind of movement. French; Verbs; 100 Most Common French Verbs; 100 Most Common French Verbs. For example: One cannot underestimate how essential this function is to the French language, as the equivalent is to English. French auxiliary verbs: 1. avoir - forms and use . Être and Avoir: The 2 Most Important Verbs in French If you haven’t realized it yet, these two verbs are not only perhaps the most commonly used French verbs, but they’re infinitely useful in creating French’s compound verb tenses. When used alone, avoir is a transitive verb that takes a direct object. There are two verbs: the auxiliary avoir and prendre. When avoir is an auxiliary verb, you have to agree the object and the past participle if…. Another three-word phrasal verb that’s only one single word in French is avoir peur de and it means “to fear” or “to be afraid of.” Check it out in action! Les patates sont chaudes, laisse-les refroidir. Sortir. ); Nous en avons marre de toujours manger du poulet – on ne peut pas avoir du poisson ce soir? OTHER SETS BY THIS CREATOR. Here’s a reminder that you don’t use the verb … No agreement is required when avoir is the helping verb. AVOIR 1. You have (sing.) Some other common, useful expressions with avoir, Some common idiomatic expressions with avoir, Some other colorful and common expressions with avoir. Tourner un film = to shoot a movie. Tu as du bol ! Examples: Tu vas réussir ton examen ! (I shouldn’t have ordered two main courses ! J’avais très faim ! They may, however, take avoir as their helping verb when they are used with a direct object. AVOIR Expressions J’ai tort. Je suis sorti discrètement: I went out discreetly. To be innately talented or to intimately know something. sentences french verbs avoir Flashcards. The past participle is the form of the verb that is equivalent to -ed in Consult an audiobook to hear correct pronunciations. French Verb Avoir 15 Terms. Vocabulaire de … I first heard someone use it when I was a teaching assistant in a French school. Example: Tu as gagné un t-shirt ? Avoir is the French verb that means “to have”. 8. avoir faim/soif. ishanimehta. (I told myself that it wouldn’t be an easy day.). French verb AVOIR conjugated in all forms, with full audio, irregular highlighting, negative forms, and the English translation for all forms. (Music is in his blood. (She bought it.) Create a sentence in French using the verb AVOIR and the vocabulary you learned in this module. Note that this generally means you’re currently lucky because of something that’s happened, not necessarily lucky in general. Tell me the meaning of the verb AVOIR and conjugate it. Il est chaud au toucher (He’s hot to the touch). AP Calculus Review Sheet 42 Terms. You have (sing.) It’s used to conjugate most other French verbs in the passé composé and other compound tenses. Your choice of an auxiliary verb is between avoir and être (“to be”). 1. or specify what you mean. ), – avoir une araignée au plafond (to be crazy/have bats in one’s belfry). Can we put on the A.C. ?’ ‘No! This French avoir ou être printable is a quick assessment or homework to help students review, master, or practice for the first time the French auxiliary verbs avoir and être in the passé composé. You can find out more about when you should use être instead in this article. – avoir la pêche (to be happy/in a good mood; to feel great). Practice your verb conjugations with helpful drills and quizzes. 2. This expression can describe everyone from a fidgety toddler (or, why not, adult? ), – avoir l’air/avoir l’air de (to seem/to look like). – avoir des ennuis (to have some problems). ), – avoir mal (à la tête, au ventre, etc.) Author: Created by anyholland. 2. (Simon will be there tonight? For example : « Donne-nous le fric ou tu vas avoir des ennuis. (to have an ache/pain (in the head, stomach, etc.). … For example: Tu n’as pas le droit de faire ça ! (For snack time/tea, each child is entitled to one cookie.). The meaning of … It literally means, “I have haste to” – in other words, you’re hurrying towards something (or want to hurry). Below is the useful present-tense conjugation of avoir. For example: Elle a acheté la robe (She bought the dress) – no agreement. Unit 1 Vocab 74 Terms. French Verb Conjugation: être (to be) 9 Terms. What is a Participle? My head hurts, my stomach hurts…everything hurts!). (Those shoes are too big – you look like a clown!). – avoir raison/avoir tort (to be right/to be wrong). (I think that Vlad is a vampire, but Sophie is so blinded by her love for him that she didn’t even notice he has no reflection in mirrors! It means to be, to have j’ai, tu as, il/elle on a, nous avons, vous avez, ils/elles ont 2. Once you know what helping verb to use, all you need to do is add the past participle of the verb you want to conjugate. For one thing, as you probably know already, avoir is the most common auxiliary (helping) verb in French. (You won a t-shirt ? Il a l’air d’un homme condamné. You have (sing.) As with all of the phrases on this list, the verb does change tense, though. When used alone, avoir is a transitive verb that takes a direct object. For example: Le magasin ne fait pas de remboursements, mais je peux vous faire un avoir. I fear/am afraid of snakes. French; Verbs; 100 Most Common French Verbs; 100 Most Common French Verbs. The verb AVOIR is very important to know because it is VERY often used and you need it to conjugate the passé composé. (It’s hot in this room!). Common Expressions with Avoir. (I bought them for you. Verb "to have" : avoir, present I have = J'ai You have = Tu as He has = Il a She has = Elle a We have = Nous avons You have = Vous avez They have = Ils ont They have = Elles ont Avoir is one of the most used verbs in French. As you may have guessed, it’s the equivalent of “to have a stick up your ass” in English. Avoir is the second most common French verb. Examples: J’ai envie de chocolat. Unit 1 Vocab 74 Terms. ». There are many expressions with avoir to say someone is lucky, but this is the most common, standard one. Creating the Past Participle Replace -er with é. French verbs using ÊTRE in passé composé Verbs of movement Most French verbs use AVOIR as an auxiliary verb when conjugated in passé composé (or plus-que-parfait), but fewer verbs use the auxiliary verb ÊTRE. (The store doesn’t give cash for returned items, but I can give you store credit.). Example: Avoir verb quiz 20 Questions - Developed by: Mme Shona - Developed on: 2015-05-08 - 41,376 taken - User Rating: 3.9 of 5 - 11 votes - 85 people like it This is a quiz to determine how well you know the conjugation of the French verb Avoir. ), – avoir besoin de (to need something). That said, it’s usually used to talk about a man, but could be used to talk about a woman as well. Lucky them! Un avoir usually means a receipt that shows you have store credit. Avoir = to have, possess Avoir = to have, be experiencing, be suffering from J'ai joué au foot. Look like a clown! ) English, we say “ to have a little hollow spot ’, I! Vivante for L'Education Nationale its definition `` there are the ones you absolutely must know, no! To learn how to conjugate most other French verbs, the verb être the meaning “. “ some problems ) as I wrote in the garden. ) and printable... 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