I think as we look out at our future, we imagine some of the features that are in SVOD services are going to be in our expanded sense of what a network means. Answer by … Well-produced news reaches a relatively small audience and is costly to produce. Asked by Wiki User. public service programming to keep their Federal Communications Commission license. If you have opinions on any of these topics, go to the Future of Media Prediction Markets and make your opinion heard! Newspapers and Magazines have their own unique identity is not wrong to say that print media and digital media are interdependent. Over-the-top is rapidly growing, with lots of players you know, including Netflix, HBO, Hulu, Amazon Prime, CBS All Access and more. It is one that considers the health of the whole versus the viability of the parts. Guest author: Rosie Barry-Scott is a content strategist at a digital marketing company. STEVEN ROSENBAUM, senior advisor, Oaklins DeSilva+Phillips. focus on Reddit and other emerging community platforms. If you would like me to entertain your organization, company, or trade group with this speech, you can connect with me here I would love for you to hear my talk live. of old media’s pocket. look at media, and break apart its distinct pieces/parts. If you think you have a challenge now managing your tweets, emails, Facebook posts and texts, hold on … Gaming & Entertainment Evolution. I have formed many opinions about what the future of social media will look like. I think mass media has to take into account that selfish consumerism forces are changing, and must change.”. One thing that seems certain is that data transmission speeds will increase globally. Having been in the newspaper business for two decades, questions are often directed at me about the future of print media. That share falls to 78% among those ages 30 to 49, to 64% among those ages 50 to 64 and to 37% among Americans 65 and older. Jeffry has the vantage point of being in a country where “society is still immature and technology literacy is still in its infancy,” so he experienced what can happen with fake news firsthand.He thinks it spreads even faster if it’s related to race and religion. If you look at Gen Z, you can see that human interaction in stores is not something they always … However, social media as an industry is still in its infancy and has a lot of growing and evolving to do. Engagement in things like Instagram and Snapchat will make the future of peer-to-peer information sharing. signal-to-noise ratio is desperately out of whack. How do you see Facebook’s shift towards a more mobile and social communication future affecting your day to day role as a marketer? The Matrix-like future: Movies, games, TV all blur The Future of Print as a Business Model. You’ve heard people like me mention stats like the average piece of content that ranks on page one of Google contains 1,890 words. The future of communication is already here, it’s just – to paraphrase William Gibson – not evenly distributed. I think social media still has a long way to evolve, and marketers like us need to be ready for those changes if we’re going to survive. Facebook’s role as a disseminator Answer. 0 1 2. Apps that would allow scientists to share their data for collaborative purposes would be another example. The same is true with Wikipedia – a relatively small number of users actually keep the platform running with accurate information. My own view is that the future of unions is rather dim, particularly in the private sector. It is less focused on material consumption than sustainability and closed-loop design. According to my husband, who is a computer programmer, creating even a simple app requires a great deal of programming and coding knowledge. It is one that listens intently to others, that facilitates collaboration and co-creation of technological, ecological, financial and cultural solutions to our biggest societal challenges. Here are three expert predictions on how of social media marketing will look like in the future: Prediction #1: Consumption of visual content will change. Valuable scientific research is no longer a one-person, or one-lab, job. Are you prepared for what social media has in store for the future? The What do you think is the future direction of social media How might emerging technologies change them? As futurist Kevin Kelly described in his wonderful book The Inevitable: Understanding the 12 Technological Forces That Will Shape Our Future, innovation in the future will be driven by applying a layer of AI to our everyday tasks. Purchase tickets to the Whitney Art Party. 1. What is the future of Print Media? Social media marketing has become such an integral part of the marketer’s toolkit over the past decade, it’s hard to imagine a time without it. But if you want to see where the real dramatic government support to some mechanism of paid subscription is far from certain. of delivering large audiences — mass media — is in danger of becoming obsolete, as consumers have more narrowcast choices. Print — magazines, newspapers and even books — made the shift to internet-delivered publications, and the iPhone enabled — some would say "I think the future of dining will continue to be a social experience, less about where you're going and more about the company around you and the ingredients used at the restaurant. From the largest environmental issues that face us today (sea level rise, climate change, pollution, etc.) I am so curious about everyone else opinions. I think being a media company is really, really difficult thing to do in this tumontulous sea of change that we've got, especially with You know, companies like our pals here at YouTube. The growth in new networks and SVOD services will carve away at Sarah Jones What does the future hold? Here, the team at Newsclip Media Monitoring unpacks what the future of print looks like in the digital era. The most disruptive, loudest, most controversial sites and voices get a disproportionate amount of attention. Before looking towards the future, let’s take a moment to see what the social media landscape looks like currently. “It does not do that anymore.” What do you think? Tell us what you think the future of art looks like @Artsy. 4 4. comments. I also think we will continue to see healthy News, as we’ve known it, is in Social media is constantly evolving and it’s exciting to think about what it will look like in just a few years time. The idea of keeping knowledge to oneself for personal gain should die. people wring their hands and get so worked up about the future of media? Offering viable opportunities for business is what I think is the future of social media. Think about having to assemble a billing department, a customer service department, and a tech support department, and so on. We asked several social media professionals & a few seasoned entrepreneurs what they think next year will bring for the future of social media. Apps that allow crowd-sourcing of information gleaned from cell phones, such as GPS positions of objects of interest, are good examples. How can new media platforms allow users to contribute to systems problem solving?”. share. Facebook Watch Have you heard the saying, “content is king?” Well, of course, you have. The future of media and marketing: eight predictions from industry pros By Ad Age Collective Expert Panel. In Finland and Canada, roughly half of respondents think that the media do a good job in monitoring powerful people and helping them understand news, whereas in Hungary only one-fifth of respondents (20%) think that the news media fulfil their watchdog role, and a third (33%) that they help them understand the news. There are more and more social media sites popping up, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. The future of ESPN may not be on cable, as more and more people cut the cord. For example, while Linux theoretically does allow all users to be co-creators and co-authors of the technology, there are certainly barriers to entry. There is no way to know the answer objectively. Considering we’ve only had mainstream social media platforms for […] curated video like TED Talks and Kahn Academy at the top, and a massive collection of user-generated tips, how-tos, and opinion videos. An avid blogger, you can find her at The New Craft Society or on Twitter @RosieScott22. This one is easy. Register on the site and you will be … The future of mass marketing is far less clear, but nothing to lose sleep over. Without having read or even heard of our first required textbook of this course (Scharmer & Kaufer’s Leading from the Emerging Future: From Ego-System to Eco-System Economies), I here tapped into several of the book’s essential points. Social Media. Scharmer & Kaufer see the “seeds of the future” in social technologies such as Wikipedia and Linux, where a “distributed community of users and developers co-create the content or products (apps) themselves.” While these are great examples, they are older examples that need to be pushed much further. We’re moving from a time of scarcity to an era of advertiser-supported networks. Given the available media that we have in the world now, what do you think is the future of media? Of course there are many, many other big ideas impacting social media marketing but I needed to limit the list to 10 to keep my talk to 45 minutes! For the BBC, PBS and other public broadcasters, the shift from According to Scott Levy’s Tweet Naked, some 40% of Twitter users don’t actually generate their own content and tweets, but instead simply retweet and share others’ work. The first question you must address is where you want to put your energy and, in some cases, advertising dollars. And you're probably wondering what the future holds next year. The future isn’t necessarily linear. Social media is changing the future of PR whether we like it or not, and it has never been more important to have the skills required to meet the new challenges provided by the medium. Free to qualified media, marketing and advertising professionals. “While the future of media is uncertain, we can explore the ideas of many futurists past and present and dig deep within ourselves to develop our own plans to shape and actually produce that future.” – Course Description, Producing and Predicting the Future of Digital Media, Spring 2014, Dr. Lance Porter. The Future of Media: What Does it Look Like? But news no longer controls the conversation — that’s a role taken now by social media platforms, with a special need to My prediction here: Nothing to worry about. Sign up with your email address to receive blog updates. Before looking towards the future, let’s take a moment to see what the social media landscape looks like currently. But what if designers and computer programmers could create media and social technology platforms that make content generation, customization and design of new versions of these tools easier for the “average Joe” to work with and co-create? This is, of course, a matter of opinion. fact is that more and more media — video in particular — is coming from non-professional sources. TV stations were required to program local news and narrow topics and subjects, but consumers have already voted with the swipe of their credit cards. When I wrote the Magazine Media Handbook for … The Benefits of Different Social Media Platforms The first question you must address is where you want to put your energy and, in some cases, advertising dollars. 11 characters offer quirky answers Sarah Jones changes personas with the simplest of wardrobe swaps. That would empower the typical user to design and implement new and better versions of the technology? Why Mobile Will Dominate the Future of Media and Advertising. The NFL just signed a deal to stream games on Amazon , ESPN may follow. Human Rights and Democracy Share far less clear and somewhat daunting. Just think about the way gaming and entertainment were developing during the last 2 decades: 1. News used to be something of a public service — local newspapers were a calling, not a profit center. Let me explain. After a bit of introduction on the first day of class, all students were prompted to journal their personal reactions these questions: Without much of an idea as to what these questions meant, I wrote the following: “I experience a world that is dying in an egoistic, ‘take as much as you can’ society. changes are taking place, take a look at Twitch, a live streaming video platform that includes video games and user-generated content, heralding a new kind of TV where audience and creators merge, and It is one that walks in other people’s shoes, and protects valuable natural resources. It might be a little smaller, and it’s going What do you think is the future of social media? What is the future of streaming? To be honest, it pains me to see how the print side of things has declined in recent years. Offering viable opportunities for business is what I think is the future of social media. The future of print as a business model is a more interesting and pertinent question. Subscribe to your choice of industry specific newsletters, save $100 on conferences, search member directories, comment on stories and more. Robots have the potential to replace sales assistants. abundance, experiencing megatrends that are changing commerce, transportation, and healthcare: connected consumers, on-demand services, internet-enabled connection and commerce. The first games were 2D. This is not your typical course. held to the crucible of profitability and entertainment, quickly finds itself facing a bleak future. may be the future of TV, or it may not. #8 Instagram will become the best option for brands. Leading from the Emerging Future: From Ego-System to Eco-System Economies. According to Pew Research: 88% of 18- to 29-year-olds indicated that they use any form of social media. And cable news channels all operated in a somewhat gentlemanly game of propertied balance and objectivity. Be the first to answer! Information / Knowledge media The most powerful change in media is the rapid growth of user-generated content. I think the more mass media and social technologies can allow users to be editors, information gatherers, and ‘tinkerers,’ the faster we will solve the pressing issues of our day. authentic participation is driving growth and revenues. They're particularly unsatisfied with the experience of mainstream social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat and its derivatives, YouTube and Reddit (yes, I do count Reddit in this group). Reporting: What do you think is the future of print media?? While you might not think of UGC as media, the simple 3 Pressing Questions Facing the Future of Social Media. MediaPost All Stars (January 29, 2021, NYC), Agency of the Year (January 29, 2021, NYC), Creative Media Awards (February 5, 2021, NYC), Marketing Automotive Awards (August 11, 2020, Online), Digital Out of Home Awards (October 15, 2019, NYC), I Can't WAIT To See You At A Concert Again, Looking At The World Through Zuckerberg-Colored Glasses, The Marketing Accountability Void - An (overdue) Reality Check for Data-Driven Marketers, Keep up-to-date with media, marketing and advertising news, Invitations to exclusive industry events and research. But how do you decide which strategies to implement and which platforms to target? The future of ESPN may not be on cable, as more and more people cut the cord. You have to consider several criteria when making this decision. The internet-driven, 24-hour news cycle makes it hard to produce or There’s professionally 100% Upvoted.   Forgot? What does this mean for the players of big media like broadcast networks? Published on April 23, 2019. Credit: Photos courtesy of … ... We want to hear what you think about this article. The Future of Creative Industries in a Connected World Technology is driving the digital revolution while consumers increasingly embrace innovative solutions for their media consumption. The Future of Print Media Having been in the newspaper business for two decades, questions are often directed at me about the future of print media. It was a one-day event with loads of substantive knowledge, inspirational ideas and valuable insights about today’s marketing. However, a Digital PR and Communications report by the PRCA found that 53% of agency staff said they required more training in digital/social media . Social participation and sharing will drive successful media networks and properties.3. originally appeared on Quora: the place to gain and share knowledge, empowering people to learn from others and better understand the … bill. What is the eco-system economy? Copyrighted content is slowly giving way to open source content. These are some overarching trends that I think are driving the future of digital media: Too much information: Because there are no barriers to entry any more (blogs, social media, etc. The future of social media in journalism will see the death of “social media.” That is, all media as we know it today will become social, and feature a social component to one extent or another. When it comes to print media, they are very cost-effective because of their traditional nature. Since social The Future of Creative Industries in a Connected World Technology is driving the digital revolution while consumers increasingly embrace innovative solutions for their media consumption. My question would be, how can we create technologies – perhaps social media platforms – that encourage a majority of users to be co-creators of valuable information? Which do you think will be the role of new media and social networks in the future, in relation to the work of Governments, NGO´s and Civil Society? We will be using social media as a way to have conversations and build a … When looking to the future of Social Media, you will need to consider the following: Tribes - We as humans, by nature, are social despite the many years spent relying on mass marketing. I think that all of us will be sort of morphing closer to something that feels like the middle, where there’s still a bundle of stuff, because it’s the most efficient way to buy if you’re a consumer. Both science and media have become more open to the idea of crowdsourcing data and problem solutions. The future of mass What will 2014 bring in terms of new developments & trends in social media? New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. danger — and unless subscribers step in to replace ad revenue, which is far from certain, we may find ourselves unable to separate fact from fiction. Advertising? Information in the form of blogs, tweets, and Facebook posts, along with a large volume of internet video, has drawn the attention of information consumers. And since we only have a few minutes, let’s just say that didn’t go well. Social Media is our modern crack epidemic. Will a pay-for-content model work for online newspapers and magazines, or have consumers become too … to issues associated with over-personalization of mass media, and knowledge constructed according to individual ‘versions’ of truth… it’s simply the case that our society is no longer sustainable on egoistic motives alone. That means larger audience and more revenue. Thank you for helping us maintain CNET's great community. Netflix made the shift from ad-supported TV to subscription without a cable report. shocking, opinionated, and even fake news is comparatively inexpensive to produce, and often goes viral. Once all … Share your prediction using #Social25. News, when Several occurrences changed all that. If you think about the future of computing as a convergence of the biological, the physical and the digital (and the post-digital quantum), using as examples 3D-printing, biotechnology, robotics for prosthetics, the internet of things, autonomous vehicles, other kinds of artificial intelligence, you can see the extent of how life will change. Science communication is increasingly in demand, but in a way that makes data transparent and available openly online. According to Scharmer & Kaufer, we currently lack effective platforms that “engage all stakeholders in a focused effort to innovate at the scale of the whole system.” Media and social technologies may be able to provide new mechanisms for coordination, collaboration and co-creative design, but only if those of us designing and creating those new forms of media do so with these outcomes in mind. It’s 2020, pandemic’s changed a lot, and here’s what we think about the future of marketing. I don’t know the answer to that final question, but it seems to me that more creativity-enabling media platforms are the wave of the future. Let us know in the comments below. The Future of Print Media. It is not bounded by egoistic goals, but is open-minded. marketing is far less clear, but nothing to lose sleep over. I would love for you guys to also do another quick survey answering some questions about the future… June 6, 2012 Link Copied. Subscribe today to gain access to every Research Intelligencer article we publish as well as the exclusive daily newsletter, full access to The MediaPost Cases, first-look research and daily insights from Joe Mandese, Editor in Chief. At the recent Chief Marketing Officer Roundtable at IMD, I was asked what I think will define the future of marketing. originally appeared on Quora: the place to gain and share knowledge, empowering people to learn from others and better understand the world. It also takes time for us to understand and identify the implications of our actions. If you're already a paid subscriber, please sign-in. Most television of the future will still reach homes through cable lines that are already in the ground, media executives predict. It's been an epic year for social media marketing. But if I had to bet on what the near term will hold, I would put my money on the following 7 trends. “While the future of media is uncertain, we can explore the ideas of many futurists past and present and dig deep within ourselves to develop our own plans to shape and actually produce that future.” – Course Description, Producing and Predicting the Future of Digital Media… save. For nearly a century, nearly all printing firms have had parallel business models. Artificial Intelligence Undoubtedly AI is going to touch everything we do, but I suggested three ideas to consider in terms of impacting our careers. Let’s Or you … Some time ago, I participated in Havas Media Group Conference about organic marketing. 24.05.2016 in News Back in February just as The Independent announced the end to their print edition, Trinity Mirror’s new standalone paper ‘New Day’ popped up. The most powerful change in media is the rapid growth of user-generated Often times, the saying “history repeats itself” is only obvious in hindsight. What is the future of streaming? My prediction here: Audiences will continue to shift their viewing to niche topics and UGC. According to Akamai Technologies, which publishes a quarterly state of the Internet report, the average global data transmission speed in late 2009 was 1.7 megabits per second [source: Akamai].Compare that to the record for data transmission speed set by Bell Labs: 100 petabits per second [source: PhysOrg]. The Benefits of Different Social Media Platforms. The NFL just signed a deal to stream games on Amazon , ESPN may follow. Maybe you ask the same thing that we do: What is the future of social networks? But that doesn’t mean writing in-depth content that is […] This thread is archived. Social. hide. I’m imagining apps such as Instagram and Vine on steroids – social technologies that would be less limited in scope and more empowering of the individual. Through collecting all this data on social media in 2030 and social media addiction. content. Sort by. Trying to predict the future is always a risky thing to do; most of us are terrible at it. “In order to step into this emerging 4.0 space, we need more enabling infrastructures that invite more people into the generative space of co-sensing and co-creating the future that they care able.” - Scharmer & Kaufer, Which brings me back to my original journal answer to the question “Where do you experience a world that is beginning / wanting to be born?”, “I think that slowly, a more open, open source, open code, open data, open access, crowd-sourced society is taking hold today. As it turns out, scarcity was perhaps the one thing that made media relevant, reliable, and even resilient. The users who are actually generating socially valuable content on social media may be in the minority, not the majority. What impact do you think social media and smartphones and other forms of emerging technology will have on the way companies conduct marketing research in the future… In a laugh-out-loud improvisation, she invites 11 "friends" from the future on stage—from a fast-talking Latina to an outspoken police officer—to ask them questions supplied by the TED2014 audience. What do you think has been the most significant change in the media in the last 10 years? consume media that requires attention.2. This post has been flagged and will be reviewed by our staff. “The emerging 4.0 Economic Operating System […] is based on eco-system awareness – that is, an awareness that values the well-being of all others and serves the well-being of the whole.” - Scharmer & Kaufer. The future of print is constantly under debate as some believe the medium is dead, while others think it still has the potential to evolve. So why do For advertiser-supported networks, their basic premise According to Pew Research: According to Pew Research: 88% of 18- to 29-year-olds indicated that they use any form of social media. Or you … of news is going to be algorithmically diminished. With the behavior of content consumption changing, it can be pinpointed that the types of content will continue to evolve. Here things are These are not systems that enable a majority of users to co-create the future, but in reality only a small percentage of users who are motivated and capable of doing so. To be honest, it pains me to see how the print side of things has declined in recent years. They want entertainment, and they’ll pay for it. Download Calling all HuffPost superfans! Entertainment may shift from big “water-cooler" events to more Media will interact with us in dynamic ways on all platforms. Holographic reality and virtual reality are going to come together to create a sensual reality that will be very hard to tell the difference from actual reality. JOIN THE CONVERSATION: Where do you think social media will be in 25 years? Let’s give some examples: the growth curve on Twitter is very flat, Pinterest seeks to function as a sales platform, video content is flooding the networks, users are increasingly browsing from their mobile devices, etc. Even the construction of knowledge as we know it is changing… worthwhile knowledge and research today is collaborative and interdisciplinary. At the beginning of the month I was asked to speak at a panel that discussed Social media, Social Networks and “What’s Coming Up Next”. 10. Password   Social media has done a lot of good in the world but there are still many groups of people that are unsatisfied with the experience of it. The statistics support it, says Brooke B. Sellas, executive director of B Squared Media, a Marketing and Advertising agency in Social Media. I think these are the questions that media and technology innovators should be investigating. But creating more content won’t necessarily get you more search traffic. Salacious, This prediction is not the product of intuition. And attention is what fuels revenues, so every view or read of UGC is taking dollars out I think this gives credence to Scharmer & Kaufer’s proposition that eco-system economies are the future that many leaders today subconsciously have at their fingertips, but can’t yet grasp. addicted — users to consume short, stackable media and zippy, smartphone-sized video. is there a technology that you have seen in a - 6726282 8. 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