Concentrate all your efforts towards the first and the last few minutes of the day. Bedding sites will be close to food and water, unless they are pressured into moving to remote locations. Naturally, the deer prefer to sit out the warmest hours of the day in the shade, moving around only in the late evening or night. Unlike other seasons, spotting a doe during the rut often means there’s a buck nearby. However, you’ve got to adapt to the changing deer behavior by implementing what a lot of hunters call ‘pre-rut’ hunting tactics. We won’t go too much into hunting during the rut because as we mentioned earlier, there are no rules to it. However, due to their keen ability to elude even the most skilled hunters, be prepared for long days and every type of weather condition if you are serious about catching one of these pacific ghosts. The 7 Best Days of the 2020 Whitetail Deer Rut. No matter what the conditions, deer move best early of a morning and late of an afternoon. So waiting might be fruitful. So, if you are going to attempt a spot and stalk, you better be downwind. (drumrolls)…’It depends’. Mid-day watering holes. If you are a novice, no amount of YouTube videos will teach you what an experienced hunter can. In the North, the Rut is at its peak in the first part of November following which there’s a lull. The perfect example? What time of the day do you take to the field in the early season? The western Oregon general blacktail season, for instance, usually runs from late September to early or mid-November. Sometimes, peak conditions for deer movement and our allotted hunting time don’t coincide. We’ll cut the crap and give you the answer straight away. Their habitat preferences make them even harder to spot as they move swiftly and quietly through the dense forests of the northwest almost completely undetectable. This site is owned and operated by Pursuing Outdoors LLC. So, you will find that the big bucks just sit tight in bedding sites during the day making the most of the night for their foraging needs. And there are few things that impact this movement, other than pressure. Evenings are the best time to hunt, as the deer will return to the feeding site like clockwork each day. The latter part of the general season and the late buck hunt in November are the two best times to tag out on a blacktail. This is called the Rut. Then, they bed down again until it’s time for their evening snacks (Envy). Barometric Pressure: Experts say the best hunting times for deer is when the barometer reads between 30.00 – 30.40. Did we ruffle some feathers? Deer WILL move around just before sunset and right after sunrise. The rut typically kicks in around mid November, but if there is not much snow fall yet then the deer … Temperature: Temperatures in the pacific northwest can range from hot and humid to freezing and damp. Location: Black-tailed deer prefer the thick brush and woodland forests of the Pacific Coast from central California to Alaska. A lot of hunters get hung up over the right time of the day to hunt and overlook other factors that might be equally important. Located in beautiful Southwestern Oregon, we hunt areas located in the Cascade, Siskiyou and coastal mountains as well as the foothills surrounding the beautiful Rogue Valley. Solunar Calendar: Black-tails are nocturnal in nature, making them most active during the hours between dusk and dawn. You’ll find that even the most productive stands, hunting techniques and deer trails can go ice cold during the October lull. Here are some great climbing sticks if you like to set up in the trees. While blacktail inhabit many different habitats in Western Washington the industrial logging areas and the clear cuts they produce offer the best chance to find one of these illusive deer. So piggyback with someone experienced until you get a hang of things. A week’s vacation means one thing to serious deer hunters: seven straight days in the deer woods. By observing their pre season habits, you are … Many experienced hunters who regularly hunt in corn fields during the October lull mention that the deer appear to be more relaxed in these fields as compared to the woods. Even if you can’t see the deer, you can always find telltale signs of deer activity, like scrapes and rubs on trees. Morning hunters won’t be dragged dead to an afternoon hunt. Crunchy ground became soft, the grass wet and flattened from recent snow. The ideal time to catch a mature Sitka deer is during the final 20 minutes to half hour of daylight as the deer migrates from his bedding region to get food or water. Time of Day: Black-tails are the most active between dawn and dusk. They just aren’t using it at the same time. The biggest bucks are the last to leave. But without making it sound like a sermon straight out of the national geographic, this is what it all boils down to. As soon as bow hunting season begins in most states, there are hordes of bow trotting hunters and their hoodlum buddies in the woods trying to shoot everything that they are legally allowed to. Other prime times to hunt are right before sunup and just before the sun sets. This works exceptionally well especially if the deer are behaving too skittish. But what if you can’t afford to be choosy? The food choices are dominated by high carb food sources like standing corn, standing wheat, brassicas, turnips and soybean. Many a time, you will find that the does and the fawns are the first ones to leave the fields when they sense the machines. Similarly, an increase or a drop in barometric pressure tends to draw the deer out towards feeding sites. While there are some, who like spending their days hunting in the cooler months. Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. The breeding season is when the does go into Estrus (heat) and the bucks get locked down, skipping food and even water, following the doe all day to breed. That’s in the middle of October, mind you when the day time can be unbearably hot. Columbia blacktail deer are my favorite big game animal to hunt in North America. Dawn and Dusk Are the Best Times to Hunt. What makes things even more confusing is that most of these arguments seem valid in different scenarios. If you have hunted the parcel before then you should have a pretty good idea of where the buck rests. All the rules that you’ve heard or read about deer hunting go to a toss during the rut. We offer self-guided hunts for Sitka Blacktail Deer. What direction does he travel to? HUNTS. The day had dawned cold and clear but warmed into the afternoon under thin cloud cover. Time of Year: Blacktail deer can be hunted in most areas from early fall to mid-winter. Also, fawns will be the first to approach the site as larger bucks allow the younger ones to feed first. And death. Like an edge of the antler or a curve of the leg. Whether you're just beginning to learn about the grey ghost of the Pacific or a lifelong blacktail hunter, this is the place for you. The fact is that despite the numbers and the sightings being low, mid-season can be as good a time as any to hunt whitetail. Only attempt a morning hunt if you can set up and access low impact stands close to bedding areas without spooking deer. Figure out a way to get downwind and as close to the deer as you can before you take a shot. Some have already transitioned to their fall ranges. Now you know that there’s a case for all probable situations and it comes down to a blend of some of the variables that we mentioned earlier. Oh yes, stay downwind. The Columbia blacktail is the more common of the two subspecies but both are equally sought after by skilled hunters. Here is a guide on tracking in the woods. Sometime during the day they will often emerge from a … Keep an eye on the thermometer and the barometer. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. You will stay nights aboard our luxurious 70 foot yacht, and during the day we will use multiple methods to hunt. A lot of late season hunters work all year to create the perfect late season food and cover on their lands. However, if you plan on bringing home a trophy black-tailed buck, it is best to start scouting in the months of July and early August. Be aware of the laws before you begin scouting. So rather than trying to find the best time of the day to hunt deer, try to understand deer behavior and the pattern changes that occur with different seasons. What time of the day does he most frequently appear on the trail? Okay, so deer are crepuscular. We are all equal and the same - all our blacktail harvests are equal and the same - and we respect each other as such. You have entered an incorrect email address! Depending how late you get out there, a night vision scope might be a worthwhile investment. That’s your best chance of tagging it. Having been fortunate to hunt around the world for a living, I’m convinced that consistently putting a tag on a mature black-tailed buck is one of the most challenging hunts there is. In fact, many experienced hunters call it ‘The second rut’. For example, swapping the bow for a muzzleloader setup that extends the reach and allows them to target the deer from long ranges. There has been a ton of research and studies that show that deer move the most at twilight; all phases of twilight. Stick close to a bedding site where the does congregate and you can land yourself a buck 9 times out of 10 during the Rut. According To Doctor Sheppard A cold day is the perfect and the idlest day of hunting when the sky is clear and wind velocity is high. Welcome to the premier group for blacktail deer hunting enthusiasts. Many blacktail deer fell to that rifle, ... (you can thank Savage for rifles having great triggers these days.) You might spook them so bad that you wouldn’t get even a fleeting glimpse for the rest of the season. At Sportsman Tracker, we aim to provide digital tools that get our users off the couch and into the great outdoors. While a few blessed big game hunters have reported being able to snag a blacktail buck in the open during the early morning period, but these bucks are usually not fully matured. Call it the pre-rut blues or the October lull, how do you make the most of the time in the field if you can only hunt mid-season? This makes day time the least productive to hunt. This gives you at least one good week of. While I love to hit a morning stand or two during the early season and into mid October, I make sure that 3 things can happen: 1. Anything lower, can dramatically decrease your chances of spotting a deer on the move. Here is a guide on staying camouflage during your hunt. Many a time, you will only see a part of the deer. Whitetail research has advanced by leaps and bounds in the recent past, thanks to bug-sized GPS devices. It is the Best time of day to hunt deer. If they detect your presence, their patterns will change completely by the time you set up the stand. If you can spot buck activity, put out those trail cams to know if there’s a shooter buck that shows daylight activity. The island has a very healthy population of deer. Guaranteed tags! The 77 moniker was dropped for a time, before coming back with rimfire and pistol calibers. Based on anecdotal evidence, it is believed that deer tend to be more active on colder days with a strong wind. General Weather Conditions: Unfortunately for hunters, the best weather conditions for spotting black-tails tend to be rainy, foggy, or misty days. And the afternoon guys will bet their lives on it, but wouldn’t budge from their opinion either. These dramatic temperature variations have an effect on blacktail movement. Enjoy! One of the greatest advantages to this strategy is that you’re likely to get closer and longer looks at a species of deer that seems almost magical in its ability to escape our attention. Deer prefer the smorgasbord of younger and tender shoots of alfalfa and clover as they are more nutrient dense. Stand placement will be critical as you do not want the deer to pick up your scent before you start hunting. WORLD CLASS BLACKTAIL HUNTING. And camp out in some timber close to this. Dressed for winter in the hottest phase of summer. Cold, overcast days are best. Deer will be up and moving. To sum it up, you need to have low hunting pressure areas, good food, cover and great weather. If you closed out the season last year without punching your tag, here's how to prevent a repeat performance. Though it is best to hunt during days when the wind is calm, if that is not possible, make sure to keep downwind of their tracks and trails. On windy days, some deer will bed down on the side of a ridge out of the wind. Deer usually bed with their backs to the wall or a tree with their faces downwind and their noses upwind to avoid predators. But they get undone by the hunting pressure created by their neighbors. What if you only have a week during the mid-season to hunt? In most peoples hunting timing calendar, spooking deer for 2-3 weeks during early to mid October, would include major portions of the rut. Not all blacktail deer are migratory. There are many ways that might help you put an end to that mid-season lull, once and for all. So you’ll have to try and find spots that aren’t heavily hunted to maximize your chances of tagging the buck during peak season. Find a spot where they will be most vulnerable. I’d made no secret of my urge to still-hunt alone on the approach but Paul, my hunting buddy since adolescence, reined me in, promising better country up high. They are not using the AG fields and the vast open spaces that they did early in the season. The timing of this season differs in different parts of the country. Come late season, deer movement will be dominated by their hunger and their will to survive. The reason why the deer use a feeding site routinely is because they feel safe. What trees they usually pass by. Light rain concealed what little sound remained. But if the buck shows up in the cam at 3 am in the night, you’d probably have to cover some ground to get as close to the bedding site as possible. This is one of the best times to tag a buck mid-season. Others might spend that week in the same camp they’ve been returning to year after year. The large bachelor groups of bucks are starting to break up to establish dominance as they approach the rut. The good old way: Find the bedding spot, which should be close to an acorn field or soybean or standing milo or whatever the deer’s favorite food source seems to be. The latter part of the season often coincides with pre-rut, and the archery and muzzleloader hunts often fall during the peak of the rut. Best Time To Hunt Deer in New York The best time to hunt deer in New York depends on its zones. Technology is often to blame for keeping people isolated and cooped up indoors. And the answer is…. Deer Hunting Day Rating Best Time Zone UTC: -8: 12/15/2020 Sun Data Rise: 6:52 AM Set: 4:45 PM Day Length 09 hrs. There are two subspecies of black-tailed deer, the Sitka blacktail located in parts of the Alaskan and British Columbia coast, and the Columbia blacktail found from central California north through coastal British Columbia. You can find the biggest of bucks in unlikeliest of places at improbable times. If you are fast approaching closing day with an unused tag in your pocket, then here are some late season hunting tips that might get you that elusive buck that you’ve been chasing all along. But again, the big question beckons. Hunter pressure, weather, feed and the breeding season change the way deer behave in November. During some phases of this season, some deer might even wander off into open areas in broad daylight. If a steep drop in temperature is predicted, it might be the window that you were looking for. Monitor weather conditions: Remember what we mentioned earlier about cold and windy days being the best days for hunting deer? For the hunter, this period represents the best time to harvest a buck, as deer become more active during the daylight hours, making them easier to spot and kill. That’s the only thing in the world that’s constant. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. This is the post-rut season when the deer are looking to rebuild their body mass and fat and they WILL come out to forage. The openness of the cutover area allows the deer to see any predators approaching, including you, the hunter. Minimal cloud cover greatly increases your chances of sightings with rainy days being the worst. Reserve the all-day sits for the Rut. The only thing that you need to do is ask the farmers when they plan to harvest the crop and find a suitable place close to it. You are likelier to find them closer to acorn fields or other mast crops. There’s a reason why those hours are called the ‘magic hours’. Deer WILL move around just before sunset and right after sunrise. Grab your calendar. If you are careful enough, you can sneak in from the direction of the food source and set up a stand somewhat inside of the woods. During the time span when the sun comes up and shifts the world to a place full of light, the buck goes to sleep at that … There’s no hunting pressure to alter it. That’s because deer behavior patterns are extremely predictable. Sitka Blacktail Deer hunts. It is suggested to take a close shot if the arrow is used so that blowing wind won’t … breeding season is when the does go into Estrus, Fishing off the Rocks (land-based) in the Bay of Islands: New Zealand. A falling one usually indicates a storm. So only use this as a last resort. It’s hardwired into their DNA and they will be most active during the dawn (bedding) and during the dusk (feeding). Get intel about what routes the buck uses to enter the field. Stick to a distance and glass the travel routes. Moon Data Rise: 8:01 AM Set: 5:58 PM Overhead: 1:00 PM Underfoot: 12:29 AM Moon Phase 2% Waxing Crescent Major Times 12:29 AM - 2:29 AM 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM Minor Times 8:01 AM - 9:01 AM 5:58 PM - 6:58 PM Deer Hunting Day Rating Better Time Zone UTC: -8 You can witness deer behavior that would otherwise seem completely abnormal. Being the smart animals that they are, deer catch on to the hunting behavior and change their patterns to adapt to it. WHERE THE DEER ARE. That … Then utilize that information to be in the stand at the right time and in the right place and more often than not, you will have a successful hunt. But sadly, that’s how it works. Try and detect the direction that they come from: Most new hunters jump in glee at the sight of the first buck in the trail camera, completely ignoring vital clues that the pictures can provide. Ambush hunting is not associated with blacktail deer in the minds of many hunters, but some of the best blacktail hunters in the country swear by it. Many have been shot at multiple times and survived. How then does a rookie hunter fill their tag without numbing their butts all day? Ditto with fruit trees which are the perfect treat for large groups of bucks. Let’s face it. Some deer start to use the topography to their advantage by sticking to thicker cover and by travelling less during hunting seasons. See what time the deer shows up in the camera. Days when deer feeding times occur further from sunrise or sunset will have a lower rating. These are deer that have been harassed for close to two months. Learn how your comment data is processed. Blacktail Deer Hunting (by has 24,314 members. Bucks are looking to gain weight for the upcoming rut and they will spend a lot of their time close to feeding sites, which makes it reasonably easy to tag one. Sitka Blacktails offer a unique hunting experience and Prince of Wales Island is the best place to get your trophy. Also, deer transitions from early season behavior to their fall patterns. The larger the moon, the higher your chances of spotting one of these illusive animals. There are many advantages of hunting early season. At least for some part of the season. The season opens up the perfect hunting window for you during the afternoon when the deer returns to the feeding sites and there’s ample time to enter and exit the stand without the deer knowing about it. Without it, many game animals would overpopulate the environment and either starve or present a hazard to humans (both financial or physical) ⋆ . And of course, your skills as a marksman above anything else. Many solunar forecasting services choose the new and full moon periods as the best times to hunt, however, during these periods, major feeding times are always in the middle of the day and deer are often nocturnal. 53 mins. You are in it to hunt an animal that has a much superior olfactory sense than you do. It is extremely risky, mind you. There have been successful hunts during midday and there will continue to be. And death. It can be a bit confusing to determine the best deer bait to use while you’re out hunting. Once the deer return to the bedding sites after foraging all night, which will be between 6 to 10 am in most parts of the United States, they bed down until noon. You may not rack up record-breaking trophies using this method. It is still one of the best deer hunting rifles out there. Here’s a cheat sheet into deer behavior during different times of the season. Their behavior is affected by the fullness of the moon which serves as a night lite for them as they search for food. As surprising as it sounds, there are hunters who have landed 140-inch bucks in extremely stormy weather. Mid-season is when most hunters experience the melancholy of dwindling deer sightings. That’s partly caused due to the over pressure of the hunt during the season opener. Unfortunately, there’s no secret recipe to whitetail glory. But it’s definitely better than numbing your backs in all day sits, spotting nothing. In southern states like Mississippi, it can extend all the way into January. During extremely hot days, blacktail bucks will often retreat back into the woods to bed down before sunup. If it all boils down to the last few hours of the season, where you have nothing to lose, then it’s time to bend the rules a little. However, plan on long days and long nights of scouting if you plan on spotting one during times of peak activity. With some luck, you’ll find deer moving towards the food source late in the afternoon, particularly in the early days when the crops are being rotated. Time of Year: Blacktail deer can be hunted in most areas from early fall to mid-winter. “At times they will walk up a ridge into the wind across the open cutover.” Weather can be a major factor in hunting clear-cuts. Follow the tracks and take a crack the moment you set eyes on it. That’s the money shot right there for you. Big bucks are incredibly smart animals and the only way that they got that big is by avoiding hunters like you who’ve been glassing the area season after season. By observing their pre season habits, you are more likely to track one down during open season. Ask people with more mud on the boots and you will be greeted with a bunch of differing opinions. That’s the only thing in the world that’s constant. The most common way to hunt deer on the island is the "spot and stalk" method. Wind: Like whitetails, black-tailed deer have an incredibly keen sense of smell. Now that you know what’s happening in the buck’s world, it’s time to use that information to maximize your chances of tagging one successfully. The only reason that they’d probably break the routine is to quench their thirst or to relieve themselves. Even better if you are close to an agricultural area with abundant crops. It’s hardwired into their DNA and they will be most active during the dawn (bedding) and during the dusk (feeding). You see, it’s all about finding the best time to hunt -- and following the moon is one way to find that best time. Oh wait, there’s taxes too. Deer behavior is influenced by hunting pressure. They have moved on to spots where they feel safer. Be Aware: Hunting early season is limited to archery in many parts of the country. Today, we know a lot more about these shy animals than ever before. The harvest limit is 4 bucks per person, one buck per tag. Densely packed rows upon rows of corn aren’t the easiest to navigate through nor spot an animal easily. It is always best to search your target in the morning till 10:00 and in the evening after 4:00 the actual duration starts when you could get numberless deer to make them your target. A rising barometer is usually coupled with a drop in temperature. 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